The Journey on the River of Styx | Teen Ink

The Journey on the River of Styx

November 21, 2015
By Mathworm BRONZE, Cupertino, California
Mathworm BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Journey on the River of Styx
My boy scout troop met at our church where we were supposed to meet, gathered, and took roll. Then we got our assigned drivers and left for the rafting site. My troop went a day before we were supposed to go rafting because we want to make so that we could camp. When we arrived at the camping site, we set up camp and rested until dinner. When dinner arrived, us scouts started to cook dinner on the stoves we brought and we ate dinner and went to sleep.  Almost everyone woke and I took down my tent and then started to cook breakfast. After cooking breakfast we woke up the stragglers, then had breakfast. Then we chilled and talked until it was time to go sign in.
We went to the briefing area on rafting and learned the safety procedures we finally went to go get our equipment we walked through a line as they handed us our paddles, life vests, and helmets. We waited for a bus to come bring us to the rafting site. Finally, after for what seemed like an eternity, the bus finally came and before that some trucks left to go move the rafts to the site. Then we got on the bus and waited a century for it to arrive. The bus was a old and rickety bus with worn out seats. When we got there we saw our instructors and the rafts. We greeted our instructors and finally took off
We went to the rafts our instructors showed us what to do and we got into the rafts finally and took off there in the water they showed the right way to paddle. then we started paddling to the first rapids. our instructor wouldn't let us jump in the water yet so it was really boring all we did was splash water on each other and declared war and made alliances that were all broken a few seconds after they were made. finally we reached the first rapids. It wasn't very exciting just a little water moving a little bit faster which wasn't very thrilling and boring
we were paddling through the water as we reached the medium sized rapids it got more fun and
between the rapids we could jump in the freezing cold water but it was still fun. There was a photographer who was in a kayak paddled ahead of us stopped at a place to take photos of us until the last people showed then he paddles to the front again and did it again. A little while later we stopped to eat lunch, luckily none of the rafts flipped over so we didn't have any soggy food  because the food was stored on the rafts. We had tacos with lettuce and some other delicious other toppings and condiments and it was really good we also had lemonade some time later we finished eating lunch and packed up and left.
We were back on the boats and paddling to the class three to four rapids these were more fun but had more space in between them meaning we could swim more. There was a rapid called swimmer's rapid where we could float through the rapid as the water whacked us in the face. after that were the real rapids. then suddenly we reached a rapid called emergency room we went through with water splashing us in the face. then, suddenly I fell out of the raft.I saw nothing just darkness seconds felt like century I felt a paddle whack me in the face I was drowning in the dark cold world. then someone's hand reached for me and pulled me out of the water back into the raft everyone was like we thought you died down there. Finally we finished after that horror no one understood what it was like to be down there.
We landed at a place there were trucks and the bus were already there to pick us up they had cooler full of soda and water for us to pick up and drive a few hours to get back. I picked up a sprite walked on and sat with my friends in the back since I don't get car sick. I was holding my soda and fell asleep only to be woken up by my friend cause I was spilling my soda. this happened a few times before I gave him my soda and went to sleep. Then woke what seemed like a few moments after I fell asleep we were back at the site and went to go look at the photos that were taken after that we all got in the car and drove home.

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