The Lord of the Flies | Teen Ink

The Lord of the Flies

December 4, 2015
By Anonymous

The Lord of the Flies
Everyone has seen movies about survival and thought to themselves what they would do in a situation like that. In this book instead of usual adults surviving it is a group of young boys.  As in many movies this book follows the boys on their journey as they lose innocence. The lord of the Flies was a very enjoyable book to read and it continually kept me interested. When reading the title of the book you do not know what to expect, but after reading further you will understand more. It was very pleasing to read a book about survival especially when the ones surviving were young boys, and because many readers can easily relate to the young boys, they will quickly be hooked into the book. While reading there was often times where I imagined myself in the main protagonist place, Ralph the leader, and thought about what I would do in the difficult situations that occurs. If have similar connections  this book will be a good read for you.
This amazing story starts off as a group of schoolboys crash on an island with no adults there to tell them what to do. Throughout the book the young boys struggle to understand the importance of the situation they are  in, and it took them a while to figure out that they need to focus on surviving. Most of the boys are very young they look to the older ones for answers and they voted for a leader which was Ralph. They soon realize they need to learn how to survive, but as soon as they hunt they slowly but surely begin to lose their innocence. There was bound to be clash and the boys began to lose their sanity and began’ to commit inhumane acts. The boys make many mistakes that set them back and causes them to lose more and more hope. The fact that these boys are so young you can’t imagine how hard it was to survive, and you can’t help but feel sorry for them as they don’t get a great chance to live a normal childhood.
As you read you are constantly rooting for the boys to survive on the Island that they claimed as theirs. When the boys are scared Ralph often gives them hope by telling them that his father will save them but it did not always work. While you will often find yourself becoming discouraged because instead of the boys doing things to ensure their survival, they did childish things and made many mistakes. Piggy, one of the characters was very smart and wise and always corrected the boys on what to do to survive. Unfortunately when he tried to speak the boys often ignored him because he is fat, wears glasses and has asthma.  
Overall this book is a great read and is enjoyable. The book is suspenseful and aggravating as the boys act childish trying to survive. Although the bots are young it’s interesting reading about the boys slowly losing their insanity. The book is very descriptive and you can imagine every moment the boys are stuck on the island. In the end this constantly had me fearing for the boys and feeling several different emotions for the boys good and bad. This book does a great job showing easily it is to lose sanity. I recommend this book to anyone who is willing to read it and I’m sure you will not regret it. 

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