80s Abuse Hidden Beyond a Women | Teen Ink

80s Abuse Hidden Beyond a Women

December 16, 2015
By Volleyball4 BRONZE, Beaumont, California
Volleyball4 BRONZE, Beaumont, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Allie is a small town girl born in small town Braman, Oklahoma. In this town you were either a person to be respected or a nobody and Allie Stokes was a nobody and that's pretty hard to be when there's 100 people in her town. She became a nobody, but not because she was  ugly or unpopular. she was these things once but, now everything is different.
Allie was a respected person with a job and an education that didn't seem realistic. She was the manager of the small towns bakery the best bakery their is,and people come from everywhere to try one of their delicious cakes and she ran it. She also had a perfect life everyone said ,and she had everything she could want. People described her life as a fairy tale and you only heard it in stories. Well, they were right because it didn't last for long.
Penelope was her best friend they did everything together but, she turned her back on Allie when she told the whole town about what happened with her and her dad. She told Penelope everything, and that's probably why she told her about her dad. She always wondered why she told her. The memories tumble down every time she sees Penelope and she starts to shake and it's hard to breathe and the tears fall fast and her anxiety attack starts which makes people think she's even more of a freak. Her dark brown hair was in mixed in with her tears she didn't even care anymore, and her bright blue eyes were puffy and her body was crumbling. The memories of her and Penelope spending spring break at the lake house that they always rented and had the best parties, or the times where she would go over to Penelope's house and gossip about everything and everyone considering it was a small town and everyone was in each other's  business.
That was another thing about that town. The news travelled so fast that everyone knew in about an hour or less depending on how detailed it was and everyone was talking about it for weeks. But in Penelope’s case it was the rest of her life, and she hoped that wasn't the case. But losing her job was probably one of the worst things that happened, when she walked in that morning Greg the big boss of all the bakeries came in that morning and told her that she was fired and they were giving her job to Charlotte Roose the most unorganized girl in Bramen. That was when her hopes were crushed she would never be able to recover from this.  She was always one of the popular people in Bramen she was use to the attention of everyone, so it was different when no one talked to her suddenly.
Everything happened so fast. Allie  remembers it as if it was a flash of lighting. It was in May of 1989 where Allie's dad Jonny Rose he was a famous actor down in Los Angeles thousands of miles away. Everyone knew who he was, and he was just perfect as well in everyone's eyes but nobody. He knew that he was Allie’s dad, it just made everyone love her more. Jonny was the type of guy that once you got to know him or be related to him you would see that he doesn't believe his own crap doesn't stink. Meaning he would do everything and anything to be perfect in other people's eyes to get what he wanted. But Allie didn’t realise this because she thought to be like him was normal and  she couldn’t do anything to him to be any less perfect.
When Johnny surprised Allie that day in May at her bakery, she was super happy she hadn’t seen him in ages it felt like. “Dad how...what..It can’t be..” Allie rushed over to hug him she missed his familiar scent.
“Allie, baby, how are you? I have missed you so much?” Johnny squeezed her tight and it was obvious he missed her and everyone could see that as well. Throughout the whole cafe you could here “ooh” and “aww” and obviously someone took a picture to put in  the daily newspaper that nobody read anymore. 
Today was usually their annual check with Greg to see how the bakery sales have been in the last month so when he saw Allie's dad came in that morning Greg forced her out to have a nice week with her dad was here. She definitely took it her dad came all the way down her to be with her but so she thought. Allie wanted to take him everywhere but first she needed to hug him and have him hold her and smell him just like when she was little. So that's what she did right when they stepped foot out of the bakery. She hugged him so tight, the tears in her eyes were falling out that she didn't even notice she was too busy not letting him go. They haven't seen each other since May of 1987 she was just so upset and happy all the same time she didn't even know what to do. He was her security blanket she needed him to be their for her yet he wasn't the father he turned out to be.
“Allie when did you grow up to be an amazing person.” He was sweet talking her like he always does to everyone it was his specialty in getting what he wanted he sometimes through in a tear here and there. But Allie being her younger self running a local business didn't know right from wrong when it came to her dad he could do nothing to a soul. The rest of the day they walked the town of Bremen and talked and talked about everything and anything. At times she would get closer to him and hold his hand like how a family did because she missed him to much and it  reminded her of the old times where she was able to be with him every day.  
It was finally dark and Allie was ready to go home from a long exciting day with Jonny. When they got to her small little log cabin in the west side of Bramen Jonny seemed to be very impressed with how it looked he never expected much from her. “Allie, what is this house I never thought you would be able to get something so beautiful?” Jonny was always this way he told it how it was to her so her being use to it just ignored it and she continued to do her normal night routine before showing him his room he could stay in.
Allie woke up suddenly at two in the morning with screaming coming from the other end of the cabin. It was Jonny yelling at the tv he usually couldn’t sleep so he played Nintendo to calm him down but it usually made him even more awake. So Allie decided to go over there and hang out with him.”Dad i'll just sit over here and watch if that’s alright.”
“Yes of course honey, I also wanted to talk to you about something.”
“What is it.”
“ Well I have noticed that they way that you run the bakery is not smart.”
“Excuse me!” I was shocked he had no right to tell her what she can and can not do he wasn’t there for her for two years hell he was barley was there in her life. She was infuriated she knew he was like that but to tell her what to do was something else and she did not need him to tell her anything.
“Well Allie there is a way that you sh--” he was interrupted by Allie running off and slamming the door. Jonny wasn't the type of guy that would let someone leave without saying the last word so he chased her to her room. Allie never felt this horror that was rushing through her body Jonny was banging at the door screaming at her to open up because he wasn’t done talking to her and telling her everything she has done wrong. The worst part is that he wasn't even drunk, but last time he was drunk, Allie remembers that he beated his wife yet she still hasn’t left, and that just made her more nervous of what was about to happen.
They stayed like this for a while. So, Johnny finally left  Allie who had not noticed the tears falling out of her eyes. She started to shake, because this has never happened to her. She didn't know what was happening. Niether how or why it was happening. It kept getting harder for her to breath and she was gasping for air shaking and crying, because it wouldn't stop the memories of Johnny not being  the dad he once was to her, and he was filling her head. He hurt her, because he was never around for her when she grew up. He never called, or never sent anything to her. He was just an allusion to what her life could've been with him. This memory just made Allie cry even more and then she realized what was happening. It was an anxiety attack, which this her first one. All due to Johnny! Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted by a loud bang and the door had crashed down to the ground with a deep thud. Boom.
“Oh no Allie what's wrong honey.” This is what Johnny did when he acted like the good guy because “he was the perfect one”, for “he has never done anything wrong.” He walked over and held her like she was a baby again because that was all she was. He laid her down in bed and left her there and  her anxiety attack alone. 
The next morning Allie woke up feeling muggy like she hadn't taken a shower in a week. So, that's what she did once she woke up. She was about to take her shower when she saw how she looked. Her face was swollen red with white blotches everywhere, her hair looked like a bird laid a nest in it, and she was still very tired with massive bags under her eyes. What had happened last night hurt her so much; not just physically but mentally, but Allie had high hopes that it was a dream. After her long shower, she didn't have the muggy feeling to  herself much anymore, and she was ready to face Johny , but only to come to realise, he was already waiting for her.  Jonny was sitting on her small burgundy couch in the corner of the living room with a cup of coffee in his hand and the daily newspaper in the other.
“Looks like we will be famous.” he said while handing Allie the newspaper with a big blow up picture of them on the front which had to be from the other day in the bakery.
“Ummm.. well sure, but nobody reads the paper anymore.” she was so scared, that the paper fell out of her hands and Johnny picked it up stepping really close to her. Allie continued to walk back till there was no more room to walk. Jonny was surrounding her.
“Ohh Allie honey don't be scared. There nothing to be afraid of.”  he stroked Allies face which made her cringe in disgust. How could she ever thought of him to be her dad. He just hurted her over and over again.
Somehow Allie got away from the barricade of Jonny. She walked to her room and got ready for her job which she could finally get away from him, but apparently not soon enough because, he was there again bombarding her with questions like how he ever thought of him as his child when she goes around acting like she's perfect when there's imperfections in everything she does. The questions continued to get worse and worse. He, just wouldn't stop for a breath. He was just rambling by the end and the pure shock in Allies face said everything and he was at it again almost saying the same stuff over again. His repetitive words put Allie in a trance where she could only see his lips moving where he looked like a ventriloquist and she was the puppet. The words filled her empty head with hatred and more hurt of what he has done. This was just the being and he wasn't going to stop. 
Allie ran, ran as far away that she could without stopping. She ran into the bakery, crashing into Penelope. Penelope lost her balance and fell on the floor with Allie right behind her. Allies shock was shown all over her. By the way she acted to the way she looked, Penelope stood up ready for Allie to tell her everything that was going to happen when Jonny came rushing through the door. 
Allie was lead with suspense with what he would do to her, but he didn't do anything. He was really gentle with her, and he helped her stand up. Then he took her outside so they could “talk”. Once they got outside she was expecting him to go crazy on her again like he did earlier but nothing happened, but he just started to walk towards the cabin. “I got you something for your bakery, and I think you would like it.” he spoke softly with a clean breath, bringing withered flowers back to life. Yet there was a stench to the soft, springy perfection of the past flawed of the darkness.
“Jonny, I don’t think you need to do anything else for me but leave.” Allie was to afraid to say what else she wanted, and how she never wanted him to come back, nor bring all the memories with him. She just needed him to leave her alone. So, she can just go back to being how it was with her perfect job and perfect life. Once they got to her cabin Johnny opened the door for her and when Allie stepped inside. She started yelling and screaming. Why would he get her a organizer to organize. Is it just get her bakery better, or is her bakery not perfect enough for him? She was more mad at the fact that he took her all the way back yet, he just wanted to hurt her more. He deceived her.
You could hear the screaming from a mile away. She was so infuriated. That’s when Johnny slapped her across the face. It sounded like a ball being hit at the wall and a bright red mark was engraved onto her pale skin. The tears just made it worse with her hair stinging her face, due to every movement of her head. Allie was shocked. He has never hurt anyone before, other than herself. So, she thought how could he do this.
“Get away, don't ever come back!” He hurt her both ways a father shouldn't do ever. But he did. He did it and she was going to tell everyone their was proof. Her eye was almost closed from the swelling. It was like looking through a peephole, but Johnny got up with his stuff and left. Giving no time to shout nor, call in fellow folks to see Allie’s only evidence. The envy had built and she was going to ruin him and his career, but she didn't know that he was the one ruining her career and life.
Later that day, Allie was sitting at home when Penelope walked into her cabin, without a knock. Allie wasn’t expecting Penelope and with no knock, she couldn’t put on makeup and blush in time. Penelope walked and her small, plaid purse fell from her fingertips and onto the floor, with a crash. Silence fulfilled the cabin, and the only sound was a quarter rolling out of the purse and under the couch, where Allie sat. Penelope’s eyes followed the quarter all the way to the couch where her head slowly rose to a glare at Allie’s cheek. Her jaw dropped and she signaled Allie that everything is going to be fine, by swaying in her stride, and following with sitting beside. She said “What happened to your face.” Then comforted her with a hug and she whispered into Allie’s left ear, “I’m here for you.” Allie told Penelope everything from beginning to end and Penelope was defending Johnny the entire time and when Allie finished, Penelope yelled at Allie “I attacked him and that's why he had a scar on his face.” Tears fell on Allie’s cheeks live small rivulets. “Why?” ,but Penelope gave no response.
Allie was angered. She realized that in the end, Johnny was the one messing up her life. He caused many ripples in her life with relationships, her being, and her family. The next day she missed work because of the anxiety attacks at night. This was the first out of ripples to come.
Throughout the night, she panicked, and her heart raced. She was scarred and there was no makeup, or hair spray, that could hide this mark. At midnight, she finally found peace, in knowing that her best friend, Penelope, was therefore her. Morning came, and she woke to the piercing screech of her alarm clock. She jumped. Each beeping noise that came out of the machine, gave her heebeegeebees. She pondered why she was a victim  of this demon. Out of fear and anger, she slammed the snooze button.  Her legs rolled over and down to the floor. The tile sent a chill up her spine, reminding her of the tingling sensation in her cheek. Again she pondered, “Why was this happening?” She wobbled to the kitchen. Her slippers dragged on the floor. The tile had transformed into carpet once she reached the living room. She stood still, at the foot of the hallway gazing around the living room. Each picture on the walls or displayed on tables, had at least one major crack going through itself. “My picture of life has been broken.” She turned and continued to wobble over to the kitchen. The carpet transformed into tile again. Once she was able to get her coffee and go back to her room to finish getting ready for work, when she saw a necklace on the ground.
As she bent down to pick it up a memory came back to her of when she was just a little girl and her and her mom were playing outside in the flower garden. When her dad came home from a long day at work he kissed her mom and gave Allie a present and when she opened it was this beautiful necklace she was know holding in her hand. The necklace was now all cracked and broken her dad was probably going to give it back to her but it was to late now, she was older and the necklace was broken like her life.
Allie was on her way to the bakery she had realised no one was talking to her like they usually do “What was happening.” Once she reached the bakery she saw Greg, “Why would he be here they already had their check up.”
“Sorry, I was late.”
“Allie I am here today because you attacked one of the most amazing people in the world, plus he is your dad and finally you are fired. I never want to see you here again.” Greg spoke with a certain aggressiveness that would make you shudder, but Allie didn't, because she imaged to be more extensive. Like what she had felt, and  this compared was like a fly landing on her. That moment was when Allie's life was officially over she couldn't do anything about it she was a nobody in Braman, Oklahoma.

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