Nature in my eyes | Teen Ink

Nature in my eyes

December 23, 2015
By Tazmeen BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Tazmeen BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It is a sunny bright day with cool breeze,
California the wonderful place to see.
As I walk in Yosemite Park,
my little dog follows me.
It feels fresh in pleasant weather and beautiful nature.
Feeling the peace and calmness in mind,
in the direct touch of nature.
Its neither too cold nor too hot,
just the perfect weather.
The sight of the mountain is so beautiful,
I can see the nature in its true color.
The greenery is at its best everywhere.
All the trees and plants are in bloom.
The birds are singing their sweet songs.
Flowers bloom and spread their sweet fragrance all around.
Nature gives me a grand feast to my hungry eyes.
It brings freshness everywhere.
The air and the Earth is filled with life.

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