The Corn Maze | Teen Ink

The Corn Maze

January 5, 2016
By Maria_The_TMNT GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
Maria_The_TMNT GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“I think we’re lost,” the boy next to me whispered.                                                                   “Lost? What do you mean lost? We’re not lost!” I nearly yelled.                                                      “I know we’re lost,” he said as he took a shaky breath like it was his last.                               I observed two narrow paths illuminated by the large moon, trying to decide which would lead us out of here. I looked over at the hopeless, wide-eyed teenage boy in front of me.  Terrified and lost, we stumbled across each other while struggling to find the exit and we decided to stay together as the fog around us thickened.                                                                                        “We’re going to die here, and our bodies will rot until we’re just another prop forever lost in this endless maze of corn,” he suddenly announced.                                                 “Shut up, no we aren’t!” I screamed in denial but he just stood there, motionless except for the rising and falling of his chest from his shallow breathing.                                            “Come on, we’re going to find a way out of here,” I said confidently as I grabbed his hand. He was reluctant to follow but quickly got tired of fighting after he realized I wasn’t giving up any time soon. The eerie silence followed each step we took as the path twisted and turned and we were greeted by skeletons lurking in the corn.  We both gasped at the sight.                                             “That’s how we’re going to end up,” he whispered as tears trickled down his pale face.  I came to an abrupt stop, grabbed both of his broad shoulders and looked into his terrified hazel eyes.                                                                                                                                “Listen to me, we are going to get out of this maze and we are going to—” he cut me off by pointing behind me.                                                                                                            “Look,” he barely whispered.                                                                                                      I turned behind me and let out a blood curdling shriek.  There was a dark shadow in the distance with terrifying blood red eyes that looked like orbs of flame dancing in the moonlight.                        “Run,” the he said, with newfound courage in his voice as he grabbed my shaking hand, leaves crunched beneath our feet as we blindly ran until we were gasping for air and the bone chilling shadow was no longer in sight.  I collapsed on the dirt and let out a quiet sob.                                                                                                                          “You’re right, this is it, this is the end,” I said in defeat as tears clouded my vision.                                            “Hey, I have an idea! Get on my shoulders,” he exclaimed as he knelt down.                          Confused, I did so and looked around, realizing that the path was in clear view over the corn now that the fog was beginning to clear up.  It was in that moment that I realized what his plan was.  I told him which direction to walk until dawn, when we finally escaped and tears of joy ran down our cheeks.

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