Perfect Day on the Water Recipe | Teen Ink

Perfect Day on the Water Recipe

January 5, 2016
By FishRisch GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
FishRisch GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One beautiful sun rise
a few good friends
a pile of bait
a working boat
a mound of snacks
a river of Mtn Dew
three hooks
a cool breeze
Hot sunshine
an ocean of country radio stations


Begin by waking up to the sun rising, admire it for a moment and continue on with the recipe.

Wake up your good friends with a friendly call or text and make sure they are getting ready to go. Sometimes they fail to do so.

Grab you pile of bait and put it into the boat and make sure everything is working correctly. The worst thing ever is a dead battery.

Meet your buddy’s at Mcdonalds and grab some breakfast and some snacks. This ingredient will be one of the major reasons your perfect day on the water succeeds. Hungry friends = annoying friends.

Grab some Mtn Dew or Mellow Yellow if you're pressed for time and throw that in the boat.

Set your lines so you finally start fishing. You just need a hook for each person. You can fish for whatever you want. You don’t even need to catch any fish, that's just a bonus. Just relax at this point.

At this point the cool breeze and hot sunshine really make it great. Together they keep you comfortable and relaxed and will tan you up making this recipe golden brown. Just don’t cook it too long it might burn and turn red.

An optional final ingredient is a little country music to spice up this recipe. Make sure you have a lot of options to choose from, Tim Mcgraw usually brings the most luck anyways.

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