January 13, 2016
By LefterSabinaIoana BRONZE, Galati, Other
LefterSabinaIoana BRONZE, Galati, Other
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           Susan is a proud mom and wife at the age of thirty-five .She and her husband Steve have a fourteen  years old  girl named Andra .They were a happy family until their daughter became a teenager. Then the life started to get complicated .The relationship between Susan and Andra turned really cold .They ended up not talking to each other for days because her mother didn’t understand her or her actions ,so the girl doesn’t speaking with her mother about anything ,just school and sometimes not even that.  Andra considered her mother her best friend and they were sharing everything, unill Susan began to be judgmental and very strict with her .All that mattered  was the knowledge of her daughter and not even asked about how she was feeling. Andra was not allowed to go out with her friends at all or even watch TV or play on the computer and that is why she started sneaking out of the house and lying. That is why the relationship between her and Susan fell apart.           But let’s come back in our days. It was Monday afternoon and also Susan’s birthday. The day is almost over and her daughter didn’t tell her:”Happy Birthday”. Andra forgot about the special day and didn’t say a thing. At ten minutes to twelve, Susan went downstairs ,put some candles on the cake she got from her husband,Steve and at twelve o’clock sharp she whispered with sadness and disappointment in her voice:“Oh, please God,  all I want for my birthday is to improve the relationship with my daughter and everything to be the way it was when she was not a teenager.”Then she went to bed, hoping that her would come true.

           In the morning Susan woke up ,but it was like she wasn’t the same and she was right. The“former” mother looked terrified in the mirror ,as the reflection pictured a stiff, quite tall , brownish girl. Nothing like the way she looked a few hours ago. She was so desperate that tears started to run down her face. After an hour with questions and scenarios playing  again and again in her head, Susan decided to go out of the pink room and explore the house she was in. What happened after that was even more surprising. As she was going down the stairs she saw two persons staying in the living-room. When they saw her, the two people told her in the same time:“Good morning sweetheart.”They were her parents ,she realized, after a short while, shocked.“Hurry up you are going to be late for school.”Susan was really scared.She went back in her room, put on some clothes that seemed like the school uniform and then left with her “parents”.After a half an hour her parents dropped her to school .Susan discovered that the girl’s name is Sarah and she has lots of friends and a boyfriend.She was really smart and confident. The girl was always surrounded by lots of people and she was really enjoying her time . Sarah has the perfect life , except from a good mother. She seems really loving and  nice, but she is cruell. She doesn’t listen to Sarah, is punishing her and is indi0erent. Just like she was acting with her daughter. After a week in high-school, a week full of tests and projects, she was tired. Exhausted actually. Then Susan realized how hard it is to be a teenager and how lucky she is to have a girl like Andra. After all, her daughter manages to: go to school every morning,  study for her exams, get really good marks, read and she still has free time to spend with her friends.Of course if Susan would’ve let her. She is always interpreting ,judging and not listening and that is the reason why she and her daughter do not get along so well. If Susan will ever see Andra again she promised to herself that she will change her attitude and she will listen and spend more time with her, unil it’s not too late. The only thing that Susan was thinking about was how all can change in a blink of an eye and that she was really foolish for thinking that her daughter would ever talk to her after the way she is acting. All that she wants it’s to go back to where she belongs and just hug and apologize to Andra.But poor her! She can’t go home .If only Susan knew how she got there ,then she would know how to leave.    

          During her time as Sarah, our protagonist learnt a lot about how hard is it to be a teenager, how everybody have really high expectation and how much pressure is on a teen’s shoulders. As I said above she would never treat her daughter the way she did unil then. When the week was over, Susan was discouraged and completely sure that she will never see her family again. But surprise! The morning after, Sarah was gone and the girl who stayed in her body, was again thirty-five. When Susan realized that, she jumped out of the bed and ran to her daughter’s bedroom. An apology one hour long, followed and the mother told Andra in the end with tears in her eyes again:“I know I am hard on you, that I expect a lot and that you feel misunderstood, but I love you and I want the best for you. That’s why I act the way I do. But I promise that from now on I will act differently and I will always be here for you, now matter what. Everyone has it’s journey to discover and a story to live and create. I want to start a new chapter in our book, together. If you will give me a second chance I will show you that I’ve really changed and I can be the mother you deserve and always wanted.”For the first time in a while, Susan saw Andra crying and after what her mother said, the girl, jumped in her arms hugging her so hard, that Susan almost died. But she did not care. The only thing that mattered was that her daughter accepted to start a new chapter in their relationship.

                   Days passed and with time, Andra started to trust her mother so much that they became best friends again. Now they are telling all to each other and it couldn’t be better. This shows that everyone can change if they REALLY want to. That no matter what mistakes you have made, they can be fixed. Just remember that no one is perfect and everyone has flaws. Never judge someone, because you don’t know their story. Enjoy your life! You only live once. But if you live it right with no regrets, ONCE IS ENOUGH.

The author's comments:

I wrote this story hopping that the people that will read it will understand that is never too late to apologize and no matter what happened there is always hope.I was inspired by my relationship with my mom.We were once in that situation,where we were not talking to each other,but we made some compromises and now we are trying to understand each other and grow our relationship stronger and stronger.So for everyone out there who is reading this:don't ever think it's to late to admit a mistake and repair it.Your ego  is the biggest enemy if you can defeat then it's your win

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