Nervous Wreck | Teen Ink

Nervous Wreck

January 28, 2016
By Micah_Rhea SILVER, Romeoville, Illinois
Micah_Rhea SILVER, Romeoville, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Ken carefully stepped across the carpet, slowly reaching for the keys on the hook above his father’s expensive business jacket. He shifts slightly and grimaces as a long squeak emits from beneath the ball of his foot. He cautiously makes his way towards the front door. He holds his breath while he turns the knob and pulls it open. He squeezes through the crack of the door and looks out into his moonlit neighborhood. The car shines silver and outlines a dark cat lying sound asleep on the hood. The road is dark except for a couple of street lamps here and there. Ken shuts the door as quietly as possible, listening for movement in the house, and steps off of his porch into the cool breezy air. He approaches the cat, making no sudden movements, and tries to move it off the hood. It meows and hisses at him, and Ken plugs his ears as if it’ll somehow keep his parents from hearing. The light in his brother’s room turns on, and Ken panics and runs to the driver’s side of the car. He unlocks the car and leaves the door open while he turns the key and shifts into neutral. He eases off his father’s brakes and lets the car roll backwards down the driveway. He means to close the door gently, but it slams shut. The lights in his parents’ room flicker on, and Ken speeds off into the dark.

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