Stuck in Love | Teen Ink

Stuck in Love

February 2, 2016
By pai GOLD, Carteret, New Jersey
pai GOLD, Carteret, New Jersey
12 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Selfishness is one of the qualities apt to inspire love." Nathaniel Hawthorne.

“I remember that it hurt. Looking at him hurt.”
His smile was the first thing on my mind when I woke up, and what I dreamed about in my sleep. Pain resurfaced when I saw that smile, but that smile was the only thing keeping me alive. Shaking the thought of him out of my head was the hardest thing to do but I wanted to do it so bad. Pretending I didn’t care was like lying to myself.
What did I want? I didn’t want him, yet I didn’t want him to be with anyone else. I liked him, but in the way you like a flower or chocolate cake.
What did I want . . . I ask myself all the time. I wanted to love him. I wanted to love him like you love the moon and the stars. I wanted to love him like a summer breeze. I wanted a rush like driving on the highway with the windows down and the wind in your hair. I wanted a romance so rare like a light drizzle meets a hot day and nobody minds the rain because it’s perfect. I wanted a love like the sun, so depended on, so needed, and like on a perfect day, you never want the sun to set.
Now I don’t want to love him. Now I just want to look at him and not feel any pain. I want now, to just be happy. ????

The author's comments:

The first line is a quote from the film "Stuck in Love." If you haen't watched it yet, I highly reccommend it. The rest of the poem is my own contiuation of that unfinished line. 

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