Escape | Teen Ink


March 2, 2016
By Donn1220 BRONZE, Amherst, New York
Donn1220 BRONZE, Amherst, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Henry heard his name booming over the loud speaker “Mr. Marland please report to main entrance you have a visitor” but he already knew who it was. Henry strolled over  to the dirty floor mat grabbed his shoes sat on the bed and slowly put them on. While sitting on the bed he looked at his wristwatch thinking to himself whats time if you can’t do what you want with it. Before he could get up there was a knock on the door. “Henry it's me” a voice shouted in excitement. Henry paused for a moment thinking to himself who could be at the door
“It's me Gerald” the voice spoke.
Henry stood up almost faster than his body could handle Henry ran towards the door to open it and gave gerald a hug. So much thought raced through Henry's mind, should he be excited or should he be afraid.  and trying to withdraw the negative in his mind, but couldn’t the thought of being free was simply fulfilling but the task to do was terrifying.
“How have  you been we haven't talked since last week is everything ok?” Henry
“I'm ok just busy all my clients just love to talk” Gerald giggled with a frustrated
“You sure that's not  you doing all the talking, here Gearld have a seat” Henry
generously asked herald.
“Thank you, but henry honestly how have you been in here” Gerald asked curious.
“My daughter and those people here will not let me leave this place” Henry said depressingly. Henry was feeling a many emotions he couldn’t truly express
“So imma guess that you're ready for tonight?” Gerald asked
“I'm More than ready.”
Henry and Gerald sat in silence simply just waiting for time to past, but Henry paced across his small room thinking to himself what will his son and daughter think when they get a call saying he isn't in his room or even in the building. But he knew times running up and there isn't no time for second guessing anything. Henry sat on the bed grabbed the television remote and simply waited until Gerald knew everything was ok and ready to go, waiting on the car and for the head nurse to go on break Henry and Gerald been planning an escape plan for sometime now you could say since he got here. But he did gave it a chance his daughter said it will be something he had never experienced, but it was nothing like that brochure, see Henry is a man that enjoys life and in his younger days a man that always gave authority a little trouble henry look at the gates around the center reminding him  about many years ago when his troubled past put him prison and it's something about that scares him.
It didn't take long before the car arrived Gerald and Henry knew that the plan was now in effect henry walked in the hallway while gerald was following Henry, they went to the cafe where they met mostly everyday Henry got lunch and sat but he was anxious that couldn't even eat.
“Hey Henry is everything ok? you haven't ate a thing.”
“Must I say as much as I hate this place the food is excellent but i'm in no mood
for food. “
I understand, so anything on your mind today?”
“Anything else” he asked in a serious tone.
“Are you asking as friend or a therapist “
“Well my daughter, since you asked.”
“What about her?”
“Well i feel like she think i gave up on her and there's some type of emptiness
between us, she said would love me here, she wrong it's just a
bunch of old people just waiting, just accepting that there time is now.”
“Henry too be 100% honest i don't think your problem is necessarily with your
daughter, but more of you think that your  time is now i mean your 84 but i say
your healthy than most i know your age.”

Henry sat looking out to a distant remembering his late wife, Henry always said  she was the only person to understand life and act just like him. After her death about 5 years ago he never spoke to anyone about her and still never attends to. A nurse passes with a red bracelet remembering the day he gave his wife a bracelet replacing the need for an engagement ring because he never had money that's the same day he decided to a rob jewelry store because his daughter was soon to be born.
Henry came back to reality looking at his wristwatch telling Gerald it's time they  both waited a moment, the head nurse was walking toward the table and spuriously Gerald popped out of his chair and gave Henry a set of keys and told him good luck and be careful it's raining and approached to the head nurse, Henry got up and began to walk to his room and took a bag and walked out the room and for some reason the hallway seem longer Henry was thinking is it really worth it should he stay or should he go but, he had put himself on a mission and wouldn't stop until it was completed. Henry stopped at the end of the hallway because he was nervous and wanted to get himself together he walked toward the back door he stopped again knowing soon as the doors open the the silent alarm would go off getting himself together to run to the car henry pushed the button opened the door. the door  lead to an alley henry started running wishing that he was as fast as when he was young
Henry lost his breath very quickly and something strange happened he stopped and grabbed his chest and there was a pain that he never experienced occurring, he dropped to his knees. Gerald looked from the cafe window and seen Henry screaming “help please?”
Henry hit the ground wet and cold.  a nurse approached him. henry could hear gerald yelling screaming for help  gerald kneeled on the ground, henry was in severe pain and his breathing became heavy and harder for him he was trying to talk but his voice was low and weak and as gerald grabbed him henry whispered in  gerald's ear and nobody know if it was what Henry said or the smile on his face that made him cry.

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