Prom Supprise | Teen Ink

Prom Supprise

March 4, 2016
By RedFox BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
RedFox BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Carrie stared at her paper in front of her. She had been staring at it for ten minutes but had no idea what to write about. Her class’s assignment was to write an essay on Greek beliefs; they had been studying ancient Greece for a month. Her mind had become a blank map and she felt like a long nap. She sighed and looked up from her paper to see Kaleb Stestner sneaking a glance at her from across the room. He quickly looked down at his paper while Carrie blushed fiercely. She wondered why KALEB STESTNER, the most popular and athletic boy in the school, would be looking at her. She slyly shifted in her seat so that she could see him in her peripheral vision. This time when he peeked a glance towards her, she was ready. She smiled shyly at him and this time he blushed. Kaleb was blushing at her! Like most girls, she had secretly developed a crush on him ever since he had moved to their school a few months ago. However, he had never showed much interest previously. All of a sudden school became much more exciting, and she had a great idea for her essay. She hastily wrote down her ideas, and her paper filled up quickly. After class was over she smiled at Kaleb; trying to get the nerve to talk to him, but he rushed off without looking back. Wow, she thought to herself. What a guy. Sighing, she gathered up her books and headed out. She felt a tug on her arm and somebody towed her into a hidden corner. “What the…… hi.” She said. She looked up into the electric blue eyes of Kaleb. He rushed out, “Will you go to senior prom with me?” He looked hopefully into her face and she automatically answered, “Um yeah sure.” He smiled and rushed off without another word.


The next day, the day of senior prom, she stared at herself in the mirror. She was trying to spy the hidden beauty that might attract a guy like Kaleb. She sighed, and went about her morning routine. When it came to clothes, she picked her favorite outfit. A teal/blue quarter sleeve lace shirt, with skinny jeans and combat boots. Then, she headed into the bathroom to do her hair. She decided to curl it for once, and it came out in ringlets. She put on mascara, a bit of lipgloss, and then she looked at the complete effect. She looked older, and much prettier in her opinion. She smiled and rushed to school, hoping she wouldn't be late. When she arrived, she rushed to History. She took a deep breath and quickly walked to her desk. She was acutely aware that everybody in the room was staring at her, including Kaleb. She shot a shy smile in Kaleb’s direction and turned to the front of the room. As the boring lesson started, her phone vibrated in her pocket. She sneakily checked it and her heart fluttered when the name Kaleb flashed across the screen. She opened the message and read, “You look really nice.” She blushed and sent back, “Thank you.” Her phone buzzed back almost immediately. She read, “Can I pick you up at 6?” She smiled and sent back, “Sounds perfect.” She looked up at Kaleb to see him read it, smile, and glance at her. He smiled and winked. She started to giggle but quickly covered it up with a cough. He texted, “See you tonight!” She nodded at him and turned her attention back to class.


That night, she rushed to make everything perfect. She dug behind all of her daily casual clothes in her closet, and pulled out the dress with a coat of plastic over it. She lifted the thick plastic off of the hanger; underneath was a beautiful soft mahogany colored, floor length dress. The three and a half inch sleeves were silky, with lace over them. The dress bottom was also lace, and the rest was silk. She slipped it on and the waves of the dress fell down her legs like a waterfall. It fit snugly and the waist and loose at the shoulders, allowing arm movement. She spun around once, watching the light bounce off of the dark red folds. She slipped on shiny black flats, and headed to the bathroom. She covered up a few pimples, applied a soft bronze sparkle to her eyelids, and a dark black color to her eyelashes. She decided on a light salmon blush, a dark and daring red lipstick, and decidedly declared her makeup done. She left her hair in loose long curls that tumbled down her back. She finished just as she heard a car pull into the driveway. She heard a knock on the door, and the sound of a cheery hello from her mother. She heard her mom yell, “Carrie, your handsome date is here!” She blushed in embarrassment, but took a deep breath. Then she descended down the stairs to see her mother animatedly talking to Kaleb, who laughed in response. He looked so handsome in a black tuxedo with a dark red rose tucked in his pocket. She watched as he glanced up the stairs, and watched as his voice was cut off in mid-laugh. His eyes followed her as she walked down the stairs and she looked up to see his intense eyes staring straight through her. She came to stand beside him and he managed to get out, “Wow. You look amazing!” She blushed furiously and said, “Thank you, you look nice too.” She looked at her mom who was staring at her in awe. She said, “Oh Carrie! You look absolutely beautiful!” “Thanks mom,” Carrie replied. Her mom rushed off shouting, “Stay right there, I’m going to get the camera!” She laughed as her mom rushed back, grinning ear to ear. She insisted that Kaleb put his arm around Carrie and he quickly agreed. She felt his sturdy arm around her waist and couldn’t help but smile. She knew that this was going to be a wonderful night.

The author's comments:

I hope that all girls can recognize that they are beautiful; that no matter what others think, they are beautiful.

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