The Beginning of the End | Teen Ink

The Beginning of the End

April 12, 2016
By SByck BRONZE, Ardsley, New York
SByck BRONZE, Ardsley, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My biggest fear: Planes. Where am I right now: On a plane. I am terrified of planes. As we start taking off, my heart drops and my whole body shuts down. When I wake up, I see a young boy with a group of paramedics. I soon realize that I fainted through the plane ride. 13 hours and 30 minutes. The paramedics and the young boy are helping me off the plane. He is very kind, he puts his sweatshirt under my head and an ice pack on my head. The young boy soon tells me, “My name is Mason and I was helping you when you fainted during takeoff. You had a panic attack, and you missed the plane ride, but you’re going to be just fine.” Yeah, cause having a fourteen-year-old tell me I was going to be fine made me feel so much better, I thought to myself. I take my bags from the overhead bin a few seats in front of mine and leave that plane after a very short 14 hours.
  I soon arrive at my hotel. I get into my leotard and throw pants and a sweatshirt over it, cause it is barely forty degrees. I take two buses and a taxi and finally get to the gym.
When I enter the gym, there are about fifteen other gymnasts practicing. “I’m not even going to place.” I whisper just loudly enough for my new teacher to hear, but she doesn't respond, she just gives me a look. After about an hour, I go to the vault to practice the hardest stunt I’ve ever done. I attempt a front handspring off the floor into a double backflip. I run as fast as I can. I can hear the floor thumping. My heart racing. Sweat dripping. My Head pumping. Breathing heavily. I grip my hands onto the floor, pushing off with all my might. As my legs come down the hit the top of the vault, my hands slip from all the sweat. I gracefully slide my hands and they jerk behind me. My legs whipping down onto the side of the vault instead of off the floor. Everyone goes quiet. I can only hear the sound of my foot cracking as it hits the vault. I flip onto the mat with a loud thump. Tears running down my face. A sharp pain shot through my foot. It feels like pins and needle, but ten times stronger. Groups of people are running towards me with a scarce look. The ambulance soon arrives and swept me onto the stretcher. I am rushed to the hospital.
   When I wake, my foot is elevated and in a cast. I can’t move it. The nurse is sitting in a chair waiting for me to wake up. “Blake?” She whispers when I wake up.
“Yes,” I respond almost as soft as she did. She tells me that I won’t be able to participate in the Olympics. I can’t believe it, I’m so bad that the first day a break my leg.
Why does this happen to me. It’s not fair. The t.v. then spoke to me. The news is on. I thought I heard it wrong. There was a bombing at the Olympics. Oh no. This can’t be right. I know so many people there. I hope they don’t get hurt. I see familiar faces being rushed to the hospital.  A voice interrupts my thought. She was just placed in the room next to me. “Blake? Is that you?”
“Who are you? I thought no one remembered me?”
“I’m a famous athlete too. I’m Sabrina, I’m your biggest fan” She opens the curtain. “What happened?!?!?”
“I broke my leg, I was going to make a big comeback after my big loss in 2000.” Sabrina quickly shut the curtain as someone walked in. Sam chin. That’s his name.
“What happened to you?” he said.
“I broke my leg.”
“I know that, I mean you so good. How did one practice hurt you so badly?”
“I don’t know, I guess I’m just not good anymore.” At that moment, Sabrina re-opened that curtain. They both look at her like she had 10 heads. They started talking. They talked for a while, until someone interrupted.
Her doctor gave her to worst news for anyone to ever hear. “The results from your M.R.I. came back, I’m very sorry but you’re paralyzed from the waist down.” Her face froze. Then she cried. Then she cried even harder. And harder. She looked at me. I knew what she was thinking. She wanted to kill whoever did this to her. She wanted to kill the man who bombed the Olympics. She wanted to kill Chang Bo-Shi.

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