Dreams are What We are Made Of | Teen Ink

Dreams are What We are Made Of

May 17, 2016
By Anonymous

Dreams are what we are made of
Ever since she was a little girl, Rachel has always wanted to own her own bakery. Every day after school she would run into the house and yell “Mom! What are we baking today?” She loved baking with her family most. She is a senior in high school and she was waiting on an acceptance letter from Kendall College. She has been waiting patiently for two weeks now. She has done everything that she can to get into this college so she can participate in the baking program there. She went to school and on Tuesday March, 23 Rachel came home and she has a letter in the mail for her from Kendall College. “This is it” she said to herself. She stared at it for a very long time, nervously looking at the white envelope. Her mother was at work and she was the only one in the house. After twenty minutes went by she finally began to open the letter. She took a deep breath and began to read, “congragula-..” Rachel screamed in excitement. She called her mother “MOM, MOM!!!” her mother knew as soon as she heard her daughters voice that she made it into her dream school.

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