The Island | Teen Ink

The Island

May 20, 2016
By Elderlopez BRONZE, Austin, Texas
Elderlopez BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Jack and his friends got in a boat to go fishing. He was worried about the weather it was raining and it was windy but they all had a commitment to catch as many fish for the month and they just had one last week so they couldn’t just waste a day. Jack was nervous because of the weather, he wanted to tell his friends but he knew they would just make fun of him and ignore him so he just relaxed and got back to fixing the equipment.
They packed everything they needed for their fishing trip and they got everything in the ship and sailed off. They went far into the ocean jack started looking up at the sky he saw dark clouds covering the sky there were lightning strikes in the clouds. Whenever lightning struck the ocean it would be close and the boat would shake but his friends were to busy collecting fishes they didn’t seem worried at all. He was scared he wanted to tell his friends but he was the only scared so he decided to start fishing also maybe it would calm him down so he grabbed his spear and a harpoon he was the best with the two tools.
Jack kept trying to look for fishes finally he had spotted one so he launched the harpoon and that’s when a hug lightning strike came down. It hit the harpoon jack jumped he was scared the boat shook so violently. Now jack’s friend were scared they all ran to the cabin. When they got to the cabin things started to fall of the shelfs and then out of nowhere something hit jack and he was knocked out.
Jack woke up there was just wood everywhere from the boat the boat that was destroyed. Jack gained conscious and started looking for his friends but they were nowhere to be found he started panicking, he was so scared and lost. He decided to stop looking instead he started figuring out where he was he look around but no one was near there was just trees and more and more trees. Jack concluded he was in a island so he decided to gather some things so he could start walking, he started looking thru the scraps of the boat but he found a first aid kit. He saw a small box so he opened it and found a handgun with it he found a knife so he took everything, he wondered who had brought the gun.
Jack got up and packed everything so he could start walking he put everything in a little backpack he found and started walking. He was scared he didn’t know where he was going he didn’t know what he would encounter he was hoping he would find people so he could find out where he was going. jack was walking so slow his feet hurt he looked at it it was red so he decided to rest. He realized night was about to come but he was also hungry. He decided to make a spear and catch some food before night came he worked on his spear he made a very simple one and started searching. Jack had been looking for something until finally he saw a bunny, he approached it slowly he knew he had to be a little far so finally he thought he had a clean shot he launched the spear. He hit the bunny he got so happy.
He went to go get collect his spear back and get the dead bunny, when he got there he saw a bush there were grapes there he packed a lot of them and took them. Now he needed to worry about getting a small shelter he remembered he once saw how to make a shelter in a survival show. Jack went looking for everything he needed and started building he just wanted the shelter to survive the night. Jack had started a small fire with sticks and he skinned the bunny he took all the intestines out and started cooking it in the fire.
He had finished building his shelter so he checked the bunny and he saw it was cooked so he had started eating. Jack was exhausted so he decided to sleep he laid there and fell asleep. He kept waking up through the night he heard screaming and noises so finally he got the courage and walked towards the noise and also saw a dim of light he kept getting closer the sounds got louder he realized it natives they had knives and axes he didn’t wanna bother them he had a bad feeling. He stayed and watch them for a little bit of time he spotted some bones laid on the ground, he got goosebumps so he decided to live and go sleep.
The sun was up he stood up and gathered everything for his walk towards the natives. He was scared and worried what if they attacked him or they were bad. Jack wanted to survive but he needed to find out where he was maybe there was a way out. He started walking but he didn’t see them anymore he just saw the bones on the ground so he knew he was in the right spot. He searched the area to find for clues of where they could possibly be at. Suddenly he heard a noise a guy came out of nowhere but he didn’t look like the natives from last night he had a bow and arrow with him. Jack didn’t know what to say he just waved at him but the guy just stared at him silently, until finally he said “hello my name is Marcus’’ Jack responded with “hello Marcus what is this island my boat crashed here yesterday and i’m trying to get out of here.”
Marcus tells him about the natives jack had spotted the night before, Jack realizes they were bad natives and they may have his friends marcus takes him back to his camp. Jack ask marcus if there’s a way out but Marcus says no. Jack ask what can he do to free his friends but marcus ignored him, Jack kept asking and asking until marcus finally responded and he said he knew where the natives camps where. Marcus wanted to help jack get his friends back but he wasn’t doing it for sympathy he needed revenge for his friend the natives had killed his whole tribe a little while back. Marcus asked jack if he had any weapons with him he got his pistol and spear out marcus looked at this spear and asked him who did it. Jack said he had made it himself Marcus just laughed and said it was a horrible spear he walked towards his hut and got something out it was a spear. Jack was amazed and said thanks he also took out a knife and showed it to Marcus, but Marcus pulled out his knife it was bigger and sharper.
Marcus told jack they would set off in the morning so he would get a good night sleep he would do first watch while jack slept throughout the night they switched.
It was morning they had to live early maybe they could catch them in there sleep and surprise them. They gathered everything they would need but left anything they wouldn’t incase they needed to run out. Marcus told jack it wouldn’t a long walk, when they got there Marcus explained where all the natives would be sleeping or where they were standing guarding. THey first had to take out one guard in the front Marcus went for the first kill and grabbed the native from the back and cut his throat. Jack was nervous now he had never killed anyone before just animals when he went hunting. Marcus came back and told him to follow him they needed to find a way in through the wall the natives had.
They spotted two guards towards them they put down there spear and bow and took out there knifes. Marcus told jack to not be nervous and to wait for them to pass them and then go for the throat. The natives were passing them jack got nervous so he hold the knife tightly and he went behind him and stabbed the guy in the neck he dropped him and saw the guy grabbing his neck jack got nervous but got courage also. They went the whole way around and killed all the guards.
They saw the an opening in the back side of the wall so they went through in there slowly and quietly they spotted just one guy in the camp fire, Marcus grabbed his bow and aimed at him and shot him it instantly killed him. They went thur the huts and tied up all the women and children but there were no more guys they quickly thought they were hunting they asked the women if they had prisoners they said yes. Marcus freed one women to show them where they were she took them and jack saw his 3 friends he quickly freed them and quickly explained what had happened.
They were all about to live when marcus told them to stop he had spotted the natives they had come back they needed to live fast they ran towards the exit they came in and live, one of the natives spotted them and told all of the rest, they were only 6 so they went towards them. Marcus shot one with his bow suddenly they started shooting back so jack grabbed his gun and started shooting at them he killed two of them they seemed scared and ran back.
When they were safe and at their camp Marcus told them they could get back on ship and head north to find land but he would help them built another one. They built and it took them two days and they were done. Jack thanked MArcus for everything and asked him if he wanted to come with them but he refused so they sailed off Jack waving at Marcus.

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