The Ex- Best friend | Teen Ink

The Ex- Best friend

May 27, 2016
By JoanneDanae BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
JoanneDanae BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live life to the fullest!

I woke up feeling horrible, knowing what was going to happen at school today. Ever since that day my school life has been miserable. By the way my name is Nino, and the person that’s been my enemy ever since that day is my Ex- best friend Lela. We had been best friends since first grade but that’s all gone now.
It all started a couple of months ago, in the middle of the school year. I was walking down the hallway. Lela’s boyfriend came up to me and asked me where Lela was and I told him she was in science class. When I told him that he pushed me in the corner and kissed me.  I pushed him away, but it was too late. Lela already saw what happened I tried to explain to her but she wouldn’t hear it. I tried for three months and finally gave up. That’s when the bullying started happening.
They would trip me in the hallway Smack books out of my hands and move chairs when I try to sit down. By they I mean Lela and her “new” friends, and get this Lela and Chris (Lela’s boyfriend) stayed together after all that drama went down. So all of their friends try their best to bring me down. I stand tall with a straight face but it hurts inside. Sometimes I feel like busting out in tears but I can’t let them see me down I can’t let them see that this is fazing me… Life goes on and it’s almost time for school. “RINGGGGGG!”   Her alarm clock goes off. “Ughh” I sigh and click it off.
I get out of bed to do all my hygiene stuff. When I get down stairs everything is dark I guess mom went to work early. I grabbed my book bag and headed out the door. I was walking down the sidewalk when I saw my best friend Khadijah. She’s been my best friend for 3 years now. “Hey Nino how was your weekend?” Khadijah asked.
“It was cool boring though, how was yours?” I replied.
“It was great we had a family get together at a big lake, it was so cool!” Khadijah exclaimed.
“That’s nice” I said.
“Are you feeling ok?” Khadijah asked me as we were getting on the bus.
“Ok calm down.” Khadijah said.
I don’t know what came over me; there is too much going through my head right now. I thought to myself. Nothing else was said between me and Khadijah for the rest of the ride.
Walking into the school Khadijah walked away form as if she was sad, I’ll talk to her later. I walked in the class and guess who was their Lela she was looking dead at me I was quiet until she through a piece of paper at my head. I unraveled the little crumpled up ball. It said “you loser!” I rolled my eyes and got up to throw the ball in the trash.
“Mr. Peppers (my teacher) can I go to the bathroom?” I asked.
“Yes but hurry back” he said
I went to the bathroom and when I got out the stall and there was Lela waiting for me.
“What do you want Lela?” I asked.
“I don’t want anything.” She replied.
Then why are you in here? “I said.
“I just came to tell you something” She said.
“What is it?” I asked.
Then it happened so fast she pushed me down to the floor and on my way down I hit my head on the sink. “Watch your back!” Lela said and walked out the bathroom.
THIS WAS THE LAST STRAW! I’m going to the office after class.
Walking back into the classroom everyone was looking at me.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“Oh my god, are you ok?” exclaimed Mr. Peppers.
“Yes why?” I asked.
“Your head is bleeding!” he said.
I touched my head and sure enough there was blood.
“Can I go to the nurse?” I asked.
“Yes hurry!” Mr. Peppers said.
I got up and walked out the door. How did I not feel that? I thought to myself. I get the nurse
“Oh my lord what happened to your face?!” Ms. Becky our school nurse exclaimed.
“Nothing really it’s actually my head.” I said.
I told her that I slipped on some water and hit my head in the bathroom.
“It’s not that big of a cut.” Ms. Becky told me. “I’ll put a band aid on it, come back if it falls off. She said.
“Okay” I replied.
I walked out the nurse and the bell rung. I have to go to the locker to get my gym clothes. I opened my locker door and a note falls out I pick it up and unfold it; it says “IF YOU TELL ANYONE WHAT HAPPENED TODAY YOU’LL WISH YOU WAS NEVER BORN!” Chills ran down my neck. What does this mean? Am I in danger? I pushed the thought to the back of my mind.
When I walk into gym class the first face I spotted was Chris. He’s grinning at me. I walked passed him and he pushed my shoulder
“What’s up Faucet head!” he said.
I guess Lela told him.
“Shut up Chris!” I said back.
“Hey you better watch your mouth talking to me because you never know what’s going to happen to you.”  He said with a smirk on his face.
That’s weird I thought to myself. For the rest of class I avoided Chris. When the bell rung I grabbed my clothes and ran as fast as I could. I didn’t want any interactions with Lela and Chris.
I ran to the office and told the principle but he said that he needed proof.
“Look at my head isn’t that enough proof!” I shouted.
“How do we know she did that?” Mr. Lipton our principle asked.
“I wouldn’t lie about something like this.” I said.
“Okay Nino I will have a talk with both of them.” Mr. Lipton said.
He gave me a pass to class and I was on my way. I felt a little better about the situation but not a lot. I went to science class and time went by so fast. I went back to my locker to put my clothes in there and there was another note. It says “I TOLD YOU NOT TO SNITCH AND NOW YOU HAVE WHATS COMING TO YOU. I read out loud.
Something about this letter put fear in my heart. It feels like my heart dropped in my stomach. I need to go show this note to the principle I thought to myself. I walked to the office and showed the principle.
“See I told you I wasn’t lying.” I told the principle.
“Nino what am I supposed to do about this I already suspended her.” Mr. Lipton said.
“Well she knows where I live. I told Mr. Lipton.
“Well Nino when you go home stay in the house and lock all your doors and make sure you let your mother know about this.” Mr. Lipton said.
“Okay” I said. I was walking back to class when I noticed there was only 3 minutes left of class I’ll just walk around. The 3 minutes passed with me just looking at posters around the school. When that bell rung I jolted for the doors I was the first one on the bus. The bus ride is slow and boring, and I was sleepy by the time the bus ride was over. So when I got home my mom was there I told her everything, and then I went to go take a nap.
When I woke up guess who was their sitting on my bed. LELA! I sat up so fast I could have sworn I hit my head on the wall. The first thing she said was
“You mom let me because I told her I wanted to apologize” Lela said moving her fingers sarcastically.
“What are you doing in here?!” I screamed.
“There is no need to shout your mother left.” Lela said. “I told you not to snitch!” Lela yelled.
Lela grabbed my pillow and jumped on top of me holding the pillow to my face. I couldn’t breathe I managed to push her off of me and ran for the door. At that moment Lela grabbed my hair and pulled me to the ground. She pulled out a pocket knife and tried to stab me with it. She slashed my cheek with knife and I started to cry out for my mom.
“Mom!” “Mom!” Please help.
“Shut up Nino!” Lela yelled. “Your mom can’t help you now.”
Just then I heard keys jingle in the door.
Lela snapped her head towards me and said “if you yell you will never see another day.”
“Nino are you ok?” my mom shouted. Lela motioned for me to talk. The first chance I got I screamed “MOM HELP ME!” Lela reached her arm back ready to stab me until my mom bust in the door. Lela stood up and tried to attack my mom. So I got up and tackled Lela to the ground.
“MOM CALL THE POLICE!” I yelled. I was holding Lela down for at least 10 minutes until the police got there they put Lela in handcuffs and stated her Miranda rights. 1 WEEK LATER….
We got a call from the court house telling us that her hearing is tomorrow and sentencing on Saturday. 
1 year has passed and we didn’t want anything to do with Lela. She wrote to us many times saying that she was very, very sorry about her actions. She asked us to come visit her so she could say sorry in person but I’m thinking about it.
“Mom?” Should we go visit her?” I asked.
“It’s up to you Nino” my mom replied.
“I do want to see what she has to say for herself.” I said.
We were pulling up to the juvenile center when I started having second thoughts. It was too late now we were already here.
“Are you sure about this Nino?” my mom asked.
With a long sigh I and answered “Yes I am.”
Nothing else was said. When my mom and I walked into the center there she was sitting at a round table with handcuffs on and an orange jump suit.
“Hey” Lela said.
“Hi” I answered sitting down at the table.
Lela spoke “I asked you here today because I wanted to really apologize.” “I’m oh so very sorry for how things went down, I never meant for it to go that far.” “You were my best friend and I let a boy get in between us.”
I nodded along with the things she was saying.
“I get out in 3 days; do you think we could start over?” Lela asked.
“I honestly don’t know.” I replied. “I’ll think about it.”
Lela got out of juvenile center and she called me and left a voicemail asking me did I want to go to the mall. I surprisingly said yes. I walked into the mall and spotted her. She smiled and so did I she gave me a hug and we started walking around the mall like regular friends. Maybe we could be back to normal after all.

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this story was my bully experience in 6th grade. I hope that this story will inspire people not to bully and that even the most tragic thing a person can do you can always forgive.

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