Beautiful Mess | Teen Ink

Beautiful Mess

October 6, 2016
By TheHalfBoodFanboy BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
TheHalfBoodFanboy BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

By definition, a mess is “a dirty or untidy state of things or of a place”. By that definition, a mess is something that we want to avoid, something we want to tidy up and remove. But what of the messes that are the right amount of chaos and calm? Or what of the messes so chaotic that they seem poetic? Well those are the beautiful messes, the messes that no one wants to clean. The shattered windows on hardwood floors, gleaming in the light. Sparkling like long lost diamonds of another age. The mess of destruction, blown apart like a hurricane spun through the room. The beautiful messes of people, so lovely in their chaos. The people’s whose heads are  vast voids of ideas, and their hearts chests of hopes and dreams.They are the messes of the human world, but beautiful  nonetheless. Like paint spilled on paper, colors splashing together to create a collage of feeling and emotion. To create a beautiful mess, one has to be the ocean, howling in the wind, but also the shore, the rocks constantly fighting the storm and sheltering land from wave. The messes who are beautiful, lovely, dazzling, and gorgeous in their pandemonium are the messes we should keep, the messes we should avoid scrubbing away. In a world of order and rules, and structure, sometimes we need a wobbly, slanted structure that still stands, but stands apart from the rest. The people who go on 3 am coffee runs, who wake up in the middle of the night to draw, paint or write. Those who create, engineer, and pioneer our orderly world into a better world. The beautiful messes are the dreamers, the ones with ideas cramming their head so tightly they can't think about anything else. Those people aren’t “dirty” or “untidy”, they are just a collage of randomness that makes them appear like a kaleidoscope, changing, yet glimmering and shinning. Those are the lovely, beautiful messes of the world, and they are the messes we cherish. 

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