My Little Town | Teen Ink

My Little Town

October 10, 2016
By JohnJohnson BRONZE, Greeley, Colorado
JohnJohnson BRONZE, Greeley, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This small town has trapped all too many souls. These people will never break out of here. Many have tried and many have failed. I will most likely fail too. I've accepted my fate. The steady of business life and the salty work of farm life. Ive lived here all my life and know this town top to bottom. The town wrapped me up and held me tight. The town loves me and i love it here. With nothing more than a small grocery store, gas station, silos for grain, and small family shops off the main street. The buildings made of older stained brick, faded by time and weather. There's a small fire station that seems to never be used. And the schools are small but some of the best education you can get. There's a lot of memories here and a lot more to be made. I love this town.
The community continually grows. I've seen new faces walk around the town, even old faces. Faces of friends that I went to school with. Reconnecting with them to talk about the days we were in school and all the stupid pathetic ideas we pursued. People I've never met before come to town and i always greet them with a smiling face and strike up a conversation like “ where ya’ from?” or other basic conversation starters. Their response is usually a good one. Even if people are just passing through I always hope our quaint little town stays in the back of their minds.
Every year a group of friends and i get together and have a big party. We hose out water troughs for livestock and fill full of sodas beers and other various drinks. We lounge about in lawn chairs and talk. I'll bring up times of the past to reminisce or laugh about.we grill in our yards burgers, bratwurst, and other various barbeque foods. We bring them together for our families and prepare for fireworks.the kids run amuck with happy shrieks and high pitched laughter.  Parents gather and dish up their barbecue and sit. We watch our children run and play as if there were no tomorrow. Once they tucker themselves out the fireworks show begins.  There's always some concerned parents lecturing the and harassing the local teens. The show starts and the children stop their activities and snuggle up to their loved ones.
I watch the fireworks and i watch the other families gaze up into the glowing sky. The light from each little explosion lights up their faces. I look at my son who sits next to me his eyes sag from staying awake but the spirit and awe remain. For a moment everyone around seems to stop and take in one of the small little things in life that make everything worthwhile. We parents hold on to our sons and daughters like they are leaving us tomorrow. Children hug us back with no fear of what's to come for their future.
By now the show has ended and people make the journey home. My son rubbing his eyes and yawning in the back seat. The ride home is quiet, no radio or conversation just silence. As tranquil it seems there is thoughts going through my head about the time spent with friends. I quietly chuckle to myself over stupid conversations with friends.  As i pull into the driveway i see my son awakes rubbing his tired eyes and lets out a little yawn. After parking we sulk out of the car weak from being so worn out and staying up so late. I pick him up and carry him to his room to tuck him in. he faintly says goodnight and a small little “I love you” floats through the air. His head rest on his pillow and a soft angel like face rest for the night. He's just like his old man, wich worries me. I begin thinking about his future and what i need to be as a parent. I think about him growing up in this small town. How he will grow up and act as an adult in this community. I worry even more.
His future is bright. But not bright enough. This town has trapped many souls and i can't let him get stuck in a place like this. I want him to go live a rich and full life full of his own adventures.  I don't want his soul to be stuck in a rut. Stuck here in a never ending cycle of stress and bills. My heart sinks for the thought of my lovely little town is now a thought of a prison. Knowing that people will try to leave but end up coming home like doves. Life in this small town is no longer a happy place
My little town is a good little town. For the people who don't care to grow. The ones scared of success stay and live in a town like this. I pray that my child has the strength and willpower to rise above the town before it consumes him. I hate this town.

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