CareFree | Teen Ink


October 14, 2016
By Amadin BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Amadin BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


Hi, my name is Abela; I really never liked my family.they have this i don't care about you kind of attitude.I know it’s kind of weird, but when my father forgot my own name i knew i was worthless.I can clearly remember the time when they left me  in the car asleep and all alone for the entire night because i didn’t wash the dishes.All my friends say that i am lying or they really do care about you, but they're just trying to make you successful when you grow up.I planned to keep a journal log of my life because for years i wanted to get away and I plan to migrate to Italy for at least a couple weeks or months so they can feel sad or something. Simple to say i hate them treating me this way, it’s really messed up. So i planned my trip to be on the 29th of March ,the day i was adopted.


         My older brother Jake recently pushed me off the front porch.It resulted in a twisted arm;  this caused me to become really fearful if I will be able to leave this abusive household tomorrow.Thinking about this remids me of all the times they never cared about me.One time my own mother left me in the a shopping cart at a local supermarket.She said it wasn’t her fault that she left me, but rather it is my fault for being so forgetable.I had this mindset that i am useless, but without my friends being becide me i would have ingried or even killed myself by now.One point of my life i thought that way; those where the dary darks.Anyway i packed a like 3 pairs of clothes and a couple water bottles so i could be prepared for anything.I was ready to leave this terriable place; a place i call hell.


          Well it’s judgement day.I decided to run out the back door without telling anyone.I didn't know if I could make the bus due to be being a few minutes late,but I did.I caught the regional rails and took off.I started to feel sad from the first step I took into that train.My whole body began to feel numb.I tried to play it off like it was nothing, but it started to get worse.My legs felt like they where being dragged away from my body, and away from the door.The last thing i remeber was be going on board and then BLACK.I lost all memorie after that point. Not knowing if I would see them again, but they are the best people I would want to see at that moment.

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