Don't Judge | Teen Ink

Don't Judge

October 14, 2016
By Kaleem BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Kaleem BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hi,My name is Rex and i’m here to tell you a story about how bad today went.Ok i’m just going start off by telling you i’m not the best role model for kids ok.So don’t judge me ,because you would have done the same thing I would have done in the same situation .The day started, as i got  up from my bed in my buddies house,well apartment .Don’t judge. I’m sort of in a hole right now and my best friend in the whole world is letting me crash with him, his wife,and his 3 kids.

his mom, dad,aunt, and uncle.He has a lot people that live with him but every single one of them have a job;i don’t, don’t judge.So him and all the adult members in his family are going on vacation and I would have tagged along , but he came to me and said, “Hey i would let you go, but i need someone to watch the bratz and you’re not doing anything.” said my very good buddy.Being the good friend that I am ; i agreed without any hesitation; well there was a little hesitation but that besides the point.The real conflict is that his kids weren’t bratz oh no ,they were little spawns of the devil,demon babies and they suck so hard.”Calm down rex” i said to myself.The problem is that i never took time to actually get to know my buddies kid i just thought i was there godparent. So anyway back to the story. It was around halloween time and there parents weren’t around to take them so these demon spawns ,i mean wonderful children were gonna have to tag along with me.I didn’t know what i was in for that night, but there were so many kids out there; it was about 2 million of these kids.It was like a infestation.The kids were all dressed up in there costume one of my buddies  kid who i call Joey was in a spiderman costume. “Original” i thought to myself.The other little piglet was a pig ironically; still weird.Then the last one was a princess, the only one who didn’t give a category five headache.We walked on Spooner street.”Trick or treat” the three little kids said.That’s all i kept hearing it was getting on my nerves so bad.I felt that category 5 headache coming along.We were on our way to the rich people house on hollywood street.The biggest house was giving out huge bags of candy it was amazing.If i went over there i was gonna get the bags for the little devils ,so i could be able to go home and watch Real Housewives of Atlanta it’s the reunion.Don’t Judge.I went over there but apparently when i went over there i only had 2 kids with me and i pretty sure that i had three kids. “Oh Lord Jesus” i said to myself (never went to church before) .I was searching frantically ,we were in front of a port-a-potty

“Rex i have to potty” said joey
“Why are all these demon spawns everywhere ,well that’s why it halloween”rex said
Putting on headphones”
“Rex !” Said joey
“Shut up i’m listening to Miley Cyrus don’t judge” he said
Joey walk off into the port-a-potty knowing that rex didn’t care.

Flashback over
Oh my goodness, my buddies gonna kill me i thought; maybe i can try to trick him and say that he always had 2 kids he pretty dumb.Wait he has a stupid wife she snitch with that stitch in her eye.I didn’t know what to do so i did the next best thing; i went home and hoped that they didn’t notice that one of there kids are missing right that sounds simple.I didn’t remeber when they were coming back so i was scared then out of nowhere the door open i screamed.My best buddy ask why are you screaming.”uncle rex” joey said from behind me i screamed again.
Long story short the kids were 15 and they knew how to find their way home.I was just freaking out when i didn’t see one.Don’t judge.

The author's comments:

My name is Kaleem And i wrote this peice because i like to make people laugh.This is a comedy follow me on instagram @kal_dunc, facebook Kaleem Duncan ,Snapchat Kale_dunc

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