Run Away | Teen Ink

Run Away

October 14, 2016
By Im_bored07 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Im_bored07 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I could feel the warmth of my jacket trying to cover his whole body, but the coldness of Massachusetts was too much for my body. I had been walking for days, and my legs felt a huge weight not just of my body and backpack, but the stress of actually getting to my destination. I’m an orphan and I’ve been running away my whole life from orphanages, foster parents, and having people care for me. I had learned the hard way that I couldn’t trust anyone in this world, everyone was full of greed.
I wasn’t even sure where I was walking to, but I knew I wanted to end up in Massachusetts, finish my last year of high school, and then go to MIT. MIT has always been a dream of mine and this is one that could actually become true. I had multiple dreams that never came true and I was tired of doing the same thing over and over. I had ran away from five foster homes not because I wanted to but because it was necessary. Three of the five foster parents had abused him physically and mentally saying that I could not do anything with my life and saying that my parents did not want me and thought I was useless.
But here I was walking toward my dreams hoping I would get somewhere. Luckily I had saved up money since I was 12, working many jobs and still juggling school. It has been a stressful three years of high school, but I did not break under the pressure of everything I kept working knowing that one day my hard work would pay off and he would get what he wanted. His stomach growled, he hadn’t eaten for days, he saw a restaurant in the distance hopefully he would get there before starving to death. “God if you’re there then why don’t you help me, I believe in you but all the stuff that has happened me is making me lose my faith,” I said talking to God and myself. I couldn’t believe that all this bad stuff has happened to me even though I’ve kept my faith since the beginning. That why I don’t trust people I can’t even trust God, and God is God. I finally got there starving it’s like 8 in the morning and I’m so sleepy.
“Hello can I get a number 1 and a coffee,” I said to the cashier as she asked me what can I get for you. Once my order came I devoured it as if it was the first meal I had eaten in years. The flavors melted in my mouth awakening my taste buds. The coffee gave me a shot of energy with every sip, the warmth of the coffee felt as if he had just drank a bottle of fire and by the time I was done I was full of energy. I had to hit the road again.
“Excuse me son where are your parents?” A man about in his 50’s Caucasian he seemed friendly. “I’m not sure sir they left me when I was a kid,” I said hopefully he wouldn’t try anything. “You look very tired is there any place you can stay,” I wish there was I think in my head. “No I’m trying to get to Massachusetts, how far am I from MIT?”I asked hoping it was close from here. “It’s about 100 miles from here, is that where you’re headed?” he asked in a concerned voice. “Yeah, but I still have to finish my last year of high school to get my diploma.” “Why don’t you stay at my house,” I look down should I trust him “or if you want I can rent a room for you at a nearby motel.”
I’ve never trusted one person in my life why should I trust him. Should I let him get in my mind so he can just use me? I wish there was an easier answer, or maybe this is the answer. This must be someone I can trust he’s so old he couldn’t do nothing to me, and a motel with a nice shower and a bed does seem nice. God why is this such a hard decision?

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Anonymous said...
on Oct. 22 2016 at 3:07 am
Great story i really feel like it relates to teens today.