Rogue One | Teen Ink

Rogue One

December 14, 2016
By Anonymous

Sheriff William J. Blunt was the son of the most respected governor to ever walk the land of Mannsville. He was married to his beautiful wife Mary and had two kids named Jim and Buck. Sheriff Blunt had been on the force for 9 years. He chose to join because 12 years ago, his father was robbed and killed by outlaws. His goal was to deliver justice to all who broke the law. After his father died, a therapist came to his home and asked him a few questions. He began by asking the sheriff to state his name.
“Hi I’m Sheriff Blunt and my father was a--”
His daydreams were interrupted.
*CRASH* *BOOM* The bank windows shattered and the building was in pieces. Two men are running away from the rubble with a sack and a couple sticks of dynamite. The sack was ringing and jingling like the sound of jewels. The men pulled full bags of money and treasures behind them. Devilish laughter erupted from their stomachs.
“HEY, STOP RIGHT THERE,” The lawman yelled.
The men sprinted as fast as they could to the stables. They busted through the door and hopped on two gorgeous and sturdy horses. The horses neighed and ran straight through the stable wall. The lawman hopped in his carriage with his gun drawn as he tried to catch up with the mischief makers.
“Phew, Phew, Phew,” the sheriff was out of breath and not ready to quit,”I’ll find you and I will kill you.”
The sheriff knew he was out of shape. His wife was always nagging him about eating better. Yes, he admitted he had gained about 50 pounds since joining the force. He liked eating pies and drinking whiskey as he sat on his front porch. It was now catching up to him.
Just missed ‘em
The sheriff anticipated a long cold night. He knew he needed a head start. He got some quick shut eye as the sun was setting but was wide awake at 11pm to get a jump to his pursuit. The sheriff was flying across the desert trying to find where the criminals (Jesse, 25 and Ralph, 21). He checked all over Mannsville until finally, he could smell ashes and smoke coming from the east. He rode so fast his hat fell off, over to their campout.
“Rats.” The sheriff was so angry and furious to find out that they were already gone.
Later in the morning
At 2:30 in the morning the sheriff set out again to find the two troublemakers. After about an hour of searching, the sheriff and the two outlaws crossed paths.
“END OF THE LINE YOU TWO!” The sheriff yelled.
The men scrambled. They were not prepared for this gun fight and did not have their weapons ready. One stumbled over the over knocking the water pot over the fire. It hissed as the flames extinguished. The other outlaw grabbed his pistol, reloading as he ducked behind a log. The sheriff knew he had to take cover soon. But where could he hide?
The sheriff took 2 shots hitting Jesse in the arm. Ralph grabbed his shotgun and fired shots in the air as he lost his balance over the empty water pot. He struggled to find more shells in his vest pocket. “One, two…” as he counted them and loaded them in the barrell. It jammed as he pulled the trigger. “Dangum it, didn’t you clean these Jesse?”
The sheriff took the opportunity to fire off a couple more shots. None of the shots connected with the outlaw. Ralph threw a stick of dynamite at the sheriff, causing him to fall down coughing violently. Dust covered the sky and allowed Ralph to grab Jesse and put him behind cover so that he could heal. When, Ralph returned to the battlefield, gun drawn, the sheriff was nowhere to be found.
“Don’t move a muscle,” the sheriff whispered in Ralph’s ear.
The sheriff held his knife around Ralph’s neck and told him to give up now or figure out what happens the hard way. Ralph, still had his gun drawn, pointed the barrel backwards and shot the sheriff, instantly killing him. He screamed frantically and took off running. Ralph grabbed Jesse and they were to never be seen again.

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