Gretchen`s Verdict | Teen Ink

Gretchen`s Verdict

December 17, 2016
By megvanilla BRONZE, Uxbridge, Massachusetts
megvanilla BRONZE, Uxbridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was third period when I was called to the office. I was sitting in Algebra when the intercom pronounced “Gretchen Vandersok please report to the office.” Everyone turned around and looked at me as I gathered my books. Mr. Schrute my old, smelly, mean, annoying math teacher stopped me as I was about to open the door. He muttered “Don`t forget to check the school website for tonights homework and don't forget about the test tomorrow. I turned around and mumbled “Yup got it.” The walk to the office seemed like a million hours when my class was only down the hall. As I stepped into the office the old floor creaked. I cleared my throat to speak but before I even got a chance to say anything the secretary muttered “Go on in Gretchen, he's waiting for you.” I swallowed hard like I was swallowing a golf ball. I reached out to open the door when it flung open. And there was Mr. Flenderson looking down his nose at me. “I thought I heard you Gretchen, come on in.” I stepped into the green musty office. “Take a seat.” Mr. Flenderson prompted. I put my backpack on the floor and sat down. I was afraid to say anything. “Gretchen I'm afraid your Grandma is back in the hospital. She fell down the stairs this morning but managed to reach the phone and call for help. I talked to the principal at your brothers school and they are sending him in a taxi over here right now to pick you up and bring you both to her because she was sent to Saint Roses hospital.” I knew this hospital was far away. I had been here once before many years ago. This was the last place I saw my mom and dad. She was admitted into the hospital after drunk driving and getting into an accident. Both of my parents were alcoholics. I remember playing dolls with my dad when we got a call and rushed to the hospital. I remember walking into her room as a steady beeping sound went of. Several nurses and doctors rushed into the room. My father screamed and ran to her side. I was so young I didn't know what was going on. My brother didn't either because he was still in a carriage and hadn't even said his first word yet. I remember my gram walking in 10 minutes later to her daughters body covered with a white sheet, me standing in the hallway and my father weeping on her bedside. Gram and dad talked for a few minutes. Then my dad stormed out of the room. That was the last time I saw him. Gram brought me and my brother back to her apartment. Then I was back to reality. A million thoughts rushed into my head. Would gram be ok, if she isn't what will I do? gram raised me, my parents aren't here, will I be able to go to the dance audition tonight? “Thank you Mr. Flenderson, I will go wait outside for my brother. I grabbed my backpack and ran down the hall to my locker. I put my books away and got the ones I needed for homework tonight. I put on my jacket and scarf and grabbed my dance bag. I was planning on going straight to the audition after school, but now my plans have changed. As I was walking down the hall to wait for my brother, tears started streaming from my face. I couldn`t see through the tears, but I kept running. All of a sudden I bumped into a couple of girls. “OMG Gretchen are you okay?” Said Kiera and Sara, two of my best friends. “I`m so happy to see you guys. Gram is in the hospital. I`m going there now. I`ll text you.” I continued out the door when I got a text from my brother “pulling in, be outside the main entrance in 30 seconds” it read. I hurried there when I saw the taxi coming. I  jumped inside and told the driver to go to Saint Roses hospital. My brother was only in fifth grade but acted like we was in his twenties. “Do you think she will be okay?” He asked me with a sad face. “You know gram, she always bounces back.” I said trying to stay positive. “Why does New York always have so much traffic.” I haggled. Fifteen minutes later we were there. I payed the driver and hopped out of the car. I immediately thought of the day my mother died in this very hospital. I tried to focus on gram but it was almost impossible. I saw a young girl helping an old woman out of the hospital, I thought to myself I hope we can bring gram home like she is. My brother was already through the doors and asking the lady at the front desk what room she was in. “Marianne Humphry is her name” I said from a few feet away.” “204” Inquired the woman in sky blue scrubs without looking up from her computer. My brother and I hurried into the elevator. I hated hospitals. The only memory I have in one was awful. The elevator came to a stop and we hurried out. Walking quickly down the hallway we searched for her room. There it was, room 204. I stood in the hallway for a second. My brother held my hand. Although he doesn't remember, he knew exactly what I was thinking about and felt my pain. We stepped in together. As we walked in, we saw gram lying on the bed asleep and a doctor with a chart standing next to her. “Hello children you must be the grandkids. I`m Doctor Shepard but you can call me Carol.” “Hi yes I'm Gretchen and this is Will” “Are your parents on their way, there was only one number on her medical record to call in an emergency but I just left a message. Someone named Bill Vandersok.” she said. “No,” I said, “my grandma raised us.” I said looking at my grandma. “How is she?” The Nurse opened the chart and started speaking in doctor language. “But basically,” she said, “your grandma will be fine, she broke a hip but that is all, she is a very strong woman.” “good, Bill Vandersok you said?” I asked quietly. “Yes is he your uncle or something?” she said. “That`s…my father.” I squeaked. My brother looked at me, horrified. “I will leave you alone.” said the doctor walking out the door. I went to grams bedside and pulled up a chair and sat down. Many more thoughts rushed into my head. Would my father come? Now I definitely won`t be able to go to the dance audition. I really wanted to go and gram really wanted me to go. The audition was to get into a performing arts college on full scholarship. Gram didn't have that much money and I only worked at a coffee shop on weekends so if I wanted to go to college I was going to have to get a scholarship. I had to go to the audition. An hour went by and my brother and I were still sitting there staring at gram. Then she woke up. “Gretch, Will! I`m so happy to see you.” “Gram!” I exclaimed hugging her. “How do you feel?” “Achey” she said. “Oh Gretch your dance audition is tonight, you still have to go i`ll be fine here with my Willy. “Gram are you sure?” I said. “Of course” she said smiling. I walked into the bathroom to put my hair in a bun and put my leotard on. I came out, stretched and ran my routine in her hospital room. “Gram, the doctor told me they called dad.” “Oh boy, don't you worry about it, focus on your audition.” Gram said. We sat there for another hour while Gram slept again. Every half hour a nurse would come in and give her more pain medication for her broken hip. “Ok Gram it`s time for me to head out. Are you sure it`s ok if I go?” “Of course doll she said, I'm really ok, plus Will is here with me.” We both turned to look at Will who was sitting on the couch grinning. “Love you. Wish me luck.” I turned to grab my bag and walked out of the hospital room. I walked down the long plastic smelling hallway. I hate hospitals I thought to myself. People around me were coughing and being wheeled around on gurneys and wheelchairs. I pressed the button on the elevator and waited for it to come. Finally it beeped and the door opened. A handful of doctors walked out and I stepped inside. I pressed the button to go to the ground floor. The elevator was very slow and took several minutes to go down 2 floors. Finally the elevator beeped and the doors creaked open. And there I was, face to face with my father.

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this story was just to entertain people with my writting.

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