Knock, Knock | Teen Ink

Knock, Knock

January 10, 2017
By Mia0618 BRONZE, Nemarket, New Hampshire
Mia0618 BRONZE, Nemarket, New Hampshire
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

9:07 am

Knock, knock, ugh. It’s so bright. I roll over to see Ryan, still asleep beside me. Knock, Knock. I don’t want to go to the door. I just woke up. Nobody ever comes to my house, except maybe the UPS guy. I didn’t order anything. Hearing the baby crying, I wake up Ryan so I can get to the door. He wakes up, groggy and I am immediately overcome with how beautiful his eyes are and how his chestnut colored hair comes just over his forehead. I bend over and kiss him on the cheek before I start down the stairs. I catch a glimpse of myself in the bathroom mirror and admire my messy bun from last night. My toes get cold on the hardwood floors so I stop to grab my slippers. I reach for the tarnished bronze doorknob. I am greeted by the mailman with a letter in his hands and a smile on his face. I prepare myself for trivial small talk.

“Good morning,” hHe says, smiling wider than I have in a while.

“Morning,” I say, forcing a half smile. He hands me the letter and I hesitantly take it.

“Why did you bring it to me? Aren’t you just supposed to put it in my mailbox?”

“I got special instructions to deliver it to your person,” he says, with a beaming smile.

“Uh… Alright… Thanks.”

“Have a good day!” hHe says as he leaves cheerfully. I don’t know how he does it. As I walk back to the stairs so I can go back to bed, I open up the letter. Inside lays a torn piece of paper that reads “look”. I glance up and just then, I watch myself get shot in the bathroom mirror.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 12 2017 at 9:56 pm
TheEvergreen SILVER, Birmingham, Alabama
8 articles 0 photos 64 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never laugh at live dragons." -JRR Tolkien

Intriguing story plot - could use some editing and more description though! Keep up the good work :)