She's The One | Teen Ink

She's The One

January 5, 2017
By tfyoya GOLD, Acworth, Georgia
tfyoya GOLD, Acworth, Georgia
15 articles 1 photo 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never be someone that you not. You'll waste your time and everyone else's because they don't know the real you. ~me

She believes in miracles because she wants too. She believes in God but also believes that things just miraculously happens just because. She doesn’t believe in people though. I don’t think she ever did. If people want her to believe in them then they need to come to her first. She’s never the one the like someone and follow them like a sick puppy. “What’s the point?” she said. She is not the nicest because that’s not her natural reflex when it comes to meeting other people. She doesn’t actually like the term friends or best friends because they’re permanent terms which to her seem ironic. Forever in a dictionary. She seems like you’re average person and you can totally judge her by the way she looks but when you meet her it’s a totally different story. She dresses in a way where her clothes tell you to go up to her and give her a compliment. The way it flows and the colors are not too much. Radiant in the sun but quiet. Yet the words that come out of her mouth are like from hell itself. She can kill a man with not only seven syllable words that you don’t even comprehend, but the tone that is with so much passion and strength it makes you want to read the bible. She’s from a totally different planet. If you want the truth she swears like a sailor because to her it’s just words, words that are bullied by labels. She wants to help people but not actually wants to talk to them. People all thought she had Asperger’s or some sort of mental disorder. It was nothing of the sort. I talked to her when I was finally not afraid. Same age, same human face and body, but a total alien. The first friend I ever had. But then again not a friend because we don’t use those terms. Wicked smart but never brags and never tells anyone her scores, not even her parents. I don’t even think she studies that often. She said I shouldn’t let anyone claim me in anyway because we’re already linked for now. Sensitivity is weakness to her because it’s not the same thing as emotion. Like she can experience emotion. She has all the love she’s got but doesn’t care. She already love’s herself. I mean don’t we all want to do that someday, love ourselves. She’s a figure in the shadows that came down to make me feel a certain type of way. A way that changes my whole perspective because dreaming is the real reality in your mind. She’s nothing but fake, but aren’t we all.

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