Hard Work | Teen Ink

Hard Work

November 17, 2017
By baseball7 BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
baseball7 BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was almost the end of the day at school and I was going to go see my grandpa. I was taping my foot on the floor constantly, I was dripping sweat and didn’t even know why. 


As the bell rang, I bursted out the door. As I was sprinting down the hallway toward freedom, somebody pulled me back. I thought it was a teacher, for sure, and I was not ready to go to the principal's office, But as I turned around, I realised it was my big friend Ben. I was so glad to see him instead of a teacher. “Hay, Mike” ben said in his deep voice, “can you hang today . . . .”

“Na man I gotta go see my grandpa,” I told him. “K see ya” as Ben yelled at me as I ran out the door.


I headed for my car which was across the school parking lot, I got in my car and headed for san antonio beach, which was about 30 minutes away, but my car broke down and I got hungry so I ended up at the beach at 8 o’clock. Nobody was there surprisingly for a friday night. I saw him at the beach and I galloped toward him and the first thing I was going to ask him why he wanted to meet here?


I walked up to my grandpa and questioned him “ why did you want to meet here” I asked. “Come into the water with me,” he whispered. “What?!” I ex clamped. “ just come in with me” He replied. I drifted into the water . . . the water slowly aroused , I was wondering where he was going with this? I yelled “how much further . . . stop” he yelled,” the water was at my shoulders now. My grandpa turned around and asked “how bad do you want to make the team” he asked. “I don’t know, not that much” I answered.


He took my shoulders and pushed me under water. I thought he was trying to kill me! At the last second before I was about to pass out, my grandpa pulled me up from the water, I was gasping for air. “You know that's how people with asthma feel like,” My grandpa told me “all there trying to do is get some fresh air, they don’t care about anything else but getting some fresh air. If you want to succeed as bad as you want to breath then your be successful.” “Well, how hard do I have to work” I asked him.  “How hard?!” he yelled at me “You have to work so hard that you do not sleep or eat for days!” “If you sleep someone might take your opportunity!” He yelled “I am one of the greatest for that reason, I worked hard to be what I am today and I hope you will work hard to.” From that day forth I worked hard everyday to reach my goals in life.

The author's comments:

my love for baseball

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