A Better Cure | Teen Ink

A Better Cure

November 17, 2017
By asmore582 BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
asmore582 BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

     First steps, first words, and more. Mrs. Peterson had dreamed of these ever since she was a young girl. Mrs. Peterson was a tall blonde woman. When she walked into a room, she had the ability to make others intimidated. Even though she was not married, she had every intention of starting a family. A year went by  before she saw the doctor again annually . She had some immediate concerns to discuss. “ I’m very worried,” she exclaimed, “ I’ve been throwing up the last three days and i’m not sure why.” Re-thinking it in her head worried her even more. What if it was serious? What if she was really sick. “ So . . . we have some good news for you,”declared the nurse, “ we took a few tests and scans, and a pregnancy test came back positive.” she squealed, as a big smile appeared on her face.  Tears came out of her by the rainfall. She was overcome with joy. “ Only thing . . . ,” the nurse whispered under her breath, “ we also found a collection of tumors in you body. If you go into surgery now, we may be able to remove them and keep the baby healthy. The surgery will be an easy process, but we need your consent.” “ Anything,” she sobbed, “anything,  just get them out of me.”She went into surgery thinking negatively. Being strong was much harder for when she was in pain.


  Mrs. Peterson was a bright woman, and was never phased by negativity, unless it affected someone she loved; and the moment she learned that she was about to bring a person into the world . . . ,  she had someone to love, things were about to change. The surgery was a successful process. The next couple weeks went by more smoothly. She no longer felt pain , A healthy baby was on the way . . . , that is until a couple months went and came. One night, nearing the end of her pregnancy, she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. She knew it was unusual for the baby to kick at night. It struck her brain, something was wrong. She rushed herself to the hospital, swerving through the nooks and crannies of the roads. When she finally got a room, she told the nurse, “i’m worried, my baby doesn’t kick at night and something is wrong.” “We will run some more tests,” the nurse explained, “ just for safe measures.” They ran some scans on her to find the issues. The nurse came back looking distraught,” we’ve got some bad news,” she muttered as she pointed to a part of the scan, “ if you look here there is a lump in this part of your stomach, meaning that the tumor has returned.” “ OK,” she interjected, “ we can just have the same surgery again.” She was not even the slightest worried. She’d done it before, how different would it be now. “ No,” the nurse responded, cutting Mrs. Peterson off, “ it’s not that simple this time, when we looked at the scan it appeared that the lump is very close to the baby so at this point having the kid could be potentially harmful . . . , of course it’s your call, no need to make a decision just now.” They both had the same worried look on their face. She paced for a couple minutes, thinking it through.


   She paused, “ I have to have the baby, not matter the risk, the baby it what i’ve always wanted and who I should fight for, i’ve seen so much of the world and I want the same for my baby.If it were for your family, think about the things you would have to miss if your child wasn’t there.” The room felt silent. “I understand,” the nurse said to Mrs. Peterson, “I would fight for my kid too. She smiled, so did the nurse, “ we’ll prep you for surgery immediately.” The surgery took nearly 3 hours.  They never did end up getting the tumor out, but Mrs. Peterson lived the time she had left with her beautiful baby girl Daisy, who she named after her nurse. Mrs. Peterson fought through her pain to be with her daughter, and just like her mother, Daisy fought the obstacles in her path everyday.

The author's comments:

 A story about overcoming the things in your life that you never expected. An expecting mother learns of somethings else coming her way. How does she react? And how will cope with 2 new things coming her way?

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