Brittany's New Branch In Life | Teen Ink

Brittany's New Branch In Life

November 20, 2017
By alleycassar BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
alleycassar BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Brittany’s all time goal is to become a surgeon. She knows that she is going to be a very difficult and challenging.  It is moving day and Brittany couldn’t be more excited to move into the dorms in Dartmouth University.

Brittany get’s to Dartmouth and unloads everything in her car. Brittany walks into her dorm and her mom right away starts crying.

“Mom, It’s okay, I’ll be fine,”  Brittany siged.

“ I know sweetie, i’m just sad that i’m not going to see your beautiful face everyday”, Brittany’s mom weeped.
“ I promise that i’ll call you everyday!!” said Brittany.

“ Okay, I love you”, Brittany’s mom sadly replied.

Brittany gave her mom a BIG hug and her mom slowly walked out the door. Right after she left Brittany ran to her best friend Joey’s dorm room. Joey was combing his hair when Brittany barged open the door and yelled “ LET’S PARTY!!!!!!”

It is 10:45pm and Brittany is all ready for the party. Joey arrives at Brittany’s dorm and they walk together to the party. When they get to the party, they both look at each other and smile. Both Brittany and Joey are having an amazing time. They are dancing their heads off. Brittany and Joey are having a little too much to drink. Brittany get’s introduced to this girl named Toria and right away Brittany knows that they are going to be BFF’s. A little later that night Brittany bumped into this guy named Noah and right away they had a click. 
It is the next day and Brittany woke up with a terrible headache. She called her mom right away and told her how her day went. Brittany goes to school and falls asleep in her main course class. Class is over and Brittany walks back to her dorm room. She calls Joey and asks him if he wants to go to another party tonight. Brittany and Joey end up going to parties for the next two weeks and Brittany starts to see Noah at these parties and starts talking to him more and more everyday. Brittany starts showing up late to her classes, failing her test, not doing her homework and falling asleep in class. One day Brittany walks to Joey’s dorm room and all of a sudden says,

“Joey, let’s go to another party tonight”

“Okay listen Brittany, we have been to parties everyday for the last two weeks and i’m not doing so hot in my classes and I really don’t want to fail because I actually want to graduate school and become a surgeon, so I think that i’m just not going to go to parties a while but you can if you want, no hard feelings?” Joey exclaimed.

“Okay fine, be a party pooper,” with an attitude Brittany replied while she walked away.

Now it is later tonight and Brittany is thriving to have an awesome time. While she is walking to the party she runs into Noah. They walk to the party together. When they get to the party they are having the time of their lives. Brittany and Noah once again are having a little much to drink. It’s the next day and Brittany wakes up in Noah’s dorm. When Brittany wakes up and realizes where she is, she grabs her things and run back to her dorm as fast as possible and tries to forget everything that happened. A few days later Brittany was noticing something different about her and her body. She was noticing that she was eating a lot more than she used too and how she is always hungry even when she just eats!! She also noticed that she was gaining a little weight. Brittany was thinking of all the possible ways on how this could be happening and nothing came to mind that was right.  When Brittany was talking to Joey and questioning and telling him what was happening to her and how she was scared about her body, out of the blue you just heard,

“ Maybe your pregnant,” joked Joey.

“OMG, what if I am,” Brittany said as she started to cry and ran away.

When Brittany got to her dorm she took the pregnancy test. It showed… POSITIVE. All Brittany could do was cry and all she could think about was how she was gonna tell Noah and her parents and finish out school and TAKE CARE OF A CHILD!!!!! Right away she calls her parents.

“ Mom, I have something very important to tell you, but first I need you to promise that you won’t leave me” Brittany weeped.

“ What honey,  we will always be here, don’t be afraid” Brittany’s mom stuttered.

“ Well I, I, i’m… pregnant.” Brittany starts crying.

And right there and then Brittany’s mom just hung up the phone. All Brittany could do was cry. Now Brittany needs to go tell Noah. She walks to his dorm crying and trying to think of what she is going to say. She knocks on the door as she was wiping the tears off of her face.

“Okay Noah, I know this isn’t what any of us want but it happened and we have to deal with it.” Brittany strongly said.

“ What Brit, what happened?” Noah questioned.

“ Well i’m pregnant”

“ How did this happen, how am I going to take care of a child and go school”

“ You think this is hard for you, i’m the one carrying the child.” Brittany said as she stormed out.

A few weeks later Brittany is all alone while carrying a child. Every night she calls her mom and it seems to go to voicemail each time and all Brittany does is cry. Brittany wants to make her mom proud so she realizes that she is going to actually go to her classes, do the work, graduate college and become a surgeon.

A few months later, she is in her resident years and her mom still seems to decline her calls. Brittany is becoming a surgeon today and she saved seats for her family. Brittany keeps looking out the curtain and seems to not see her family. She is almost up and Brittany doesn’t even bother to look because she knows that her heart is just going to break down into millions of pieces. Brittany’s name get’s called and she walks out and she see’s her family sitting down clapping and all Brittany could say was that she couldn’t be more happy to see her family. After graduation Brittany went up to her mom.

“ How did you know graduation day was today, you declined all of my calls.” Brittany exclaimed.

“ You can thank Joey because he was the one that kept me updated on how you were doing and all I can say is that I couldn’t be more proud, I love you sweetie!” Brittany’s mom said while she teared up.

About one year later, Brittany’s life is perfect. She has the most handsome baby boy and she loves her life as a surgeon and her and Noah ended up getting married.

The end.

The author's comments:

Brittany goes to college with her best friend Joey. They both become party animlas. Brittany get's pregnant. Her friends and family leave her. Does Brittany give up on school or does she try even harder and become a surgeon while carrying a baby.

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