Weird Weather | Teen Ink

Weird Weather

May 18, 2018
By matkinson BRONZE, Ashburn, Virginia
matkinson BRONZE, Ashburn, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One day in Ashburn, Virginia Max a meteorologist was looking at the weather forecast for the upcoming weekend.  There was supposed to be a big snow storm with up to two feet of snow on Friday.  Max was 21 years old and had just bought his first home, so he decided he was going to need a snowblower.  He went to the local hardware store and bought the perfect one along with a bouquet of flowers for a date on Saturday.  On Thursday night, the amount of snow predicted had sadly dropped to 5-8 inches but that would still suffice.  The next morning Max woke up, got dressed, and then peered out the window to see it had only snowed half an inch.  Max was very disappointed and felt he wasted his time getting the snowblower.  He was still excited however for the date on Saturday.  Saturday came and Max went to go pick up Sadie.  She had a beautiful barrette in her hair.  Her hair flowed perfectly and he told her she looked beautiful.  They went on to have a very nice dinner and decided to go on a second date too.  The next morning Max looked at the weather and saw it was supposed to be in 70’s and 80’s for a while.  He was shocked and decided that he would need to return the snowblower, because of the weather, and it seemed to not help his chances of getting snow.  But, when he pulled it back a bag of sunflower seeds dropped off of the blades.  Max decided maybe it was a sign that it was Spring and wasn’t supposed to snow.  So he decided maybe the snowblower was good luck after all.  For this reason he decided he would keep it.  Then he took the sunflower seeds and planted them. Two years later, the sunflowers were full grown and had spread across his yard.  Max had continued dating Sadie over that time and decided to propose to her in the field of blooming sunflowers.  He did and they got married in a beautiful field of wildflowers because Sadie wanted to always remember the idea of the proposal in the sunflowers.  They went on to live a happy and enjoyable life together.

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by a prompt to write a story including a snowblower, barrette and packet of sunflower seeds.

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