Shooting Stars | Teen Ink

Shooting Stars

May 22, 2018
By Kate.Sorce BRONZE, New York City, New York
Kate.Sorce BRONZE, New York City, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In second grade my family moved from New York City to Colorado. My dad’s company transferred him to an office in Denver, so we all had to pack our bags and go with him. My new life in Colorado wasn’t too different than it was in New York. I joined a softball team like the one I was on back home, and my new school had the same rules as my old one. But, just because I did the same things in my new life, doesn't mean I felt the same. At my old school, everybody was friends with each other, but in my new class, I was just the new girl, Zoe, who nobody knew anything about. In New York, I knew every block like the back of my hand, but in Denver, everything was so different and unfamiliar.

The only thing that helped me escape from reality was reading. In my new class, we were reading science fiction books. My book was about a spaceship of aliens from Mars that landed on Earth. I had never read anything like it before.
One weekend, after we are all settled in our new home, my mom, my dad, and I went camping. I had never gone before, so I was very excited. However, I was not so excited when I woke up in the middle of the night. Other than the sound of my dad snoring, everything was quiet. I closed my eyes and tried to fall back asleep, but the suspenseful sound of the wind whistling through the trees kept me wide awake. I sighed as looked up at the sky. I was shocked at how many stars I could see. You could never see the stars back in New York. I tried to count them the way some people count sheep when they want to fall asleep.
“One, two, three, four- wait!” A ray of light darted across the sky. “Since when do stars fly?” I thought to myself. I thought about the book I was reading in class and an idea popped into my head. I knew that aliens and spaceships from mars were all science fiction, but I didn’t have any other explanation. “Mom, dad, wake up,” I whispered.
“Zoe, what is it? Go back to sleep.” My dad said as he yawned.
“I woke up and as I looked up at the stars, I saw a bright light fall from the sky. What was it? Was it an alien spaceship like the one in my book?”
“No, I think you’re describing a shooting star!” Exclaimed my mom. “You can never see them in the city. You are very lucky to have seen one!”  Just then, another shooting star danced across the sky.
“Another one!” I said, pointing up at the sky.
“Make a wish,” My mom said, and I did.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this piece from a writing prompt in my creative writing class. What I hope people get from my piece that change is hard, but everything will work out in the end.

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