In the Night | Teen Ink

In the Night

May 15, 2018
By pinkhair BRONZE, Clarence, New York
pinkhair BRONZE, Clarence, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She is found dancing in the breeze in the lonely black and white. She looks around with the street lamp casting shadows along her face. Her shoes clank against the moonlit pavement, and hum out into the darkness. Looking up she sees the twinkling Milky Way next to the white moon light. The silky black dress that touched upon her knees flowed in the air, a tornado within the petticoat. The flowers are blooming in the spring darkness as the girls black pearls bounce to the song she hums out. The sun already hid behind the tall buildings long ago, giving an emptiness of the long pavement only to be lit by the yellow tinted street lamps. She looks down at what she can never rid herself of, the shadow of elegants that she appears to the eye, hidden by the giggling leprechaun that she keeps in her heart. She lets her chestnut locks out of the clip keeping it together, letting the breeze control it now. She moves and taps the toe and heels of her feet with her hands behind her back, an old talent beloved by her. Though a distant memory, but still a second nature. She looks up and among the stars there was moonlight a spotlight, and knows she was one of them.

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