A Midnight Mystery | Teen Ink

A Midnight Mystery

May 30, 2018
By IssacChan BRONZE, NYC, New York
IssacChan BRONZE, NYC, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Having a nice evening tea, what could be better than the relaxing taste of tea. Id usually never have company, only relatives visiting in and about. My place is a lonely place with no other sound except my neighbors and lonely little light. I feel that I should do something that meets my interests tomorrow. Drinking the last bit of my tea, I got ready for bed and heard some faint walking outside. Eh, it’s probably nothing. I’d never think of such a thing but what were other people doing?
At precisely midnight I heard a cry from the old man, a neighbor, frightened in the midst of the night. Time past awhile now, I couldn’t sleep. Then suddenly a shriek came from one of the houses. I instantly panicked and got the police to investigate the situation. I knew that something had definitely happened to the poor old man. But, I felt better sending the police, I poked my head through the door to eavesdrop and spy. As soon as they all went inside I knew there was nothing more I could do. I went back to bed, blew out the lantern and returned to sleep. In the morning as I had then discovered that the old man had been murdered and that one of my neighbors had been taken away guilty of the murder.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because I thought it would be nice to rewrite a piece from a different perspective. I used my knowledge of what I know to create a nearly exact view of what I think the neighbor in the story “The Telltale Heart”. Of the way he/she feels, what he/she is thinking, seeing, doing, et al. I mainly write stories when I feel it is something of interest, something I feel like that is worth writing. Sometimes I actually get lost in my own writing and come up with a good result, so I try not to think too much, just using small details to anchor a setting in the story to later create something bigger and better.

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