The Girl | Teen Ink

The Girl

June 6, 2018
By Anonymous

Their is this girl. Not any girl. A girl who looks alone, afraid, and scared. A girl who need's a friend, maybe 1 or 2. Sometimes I see this girl when I'm alone. I see how she's feeling, feel what she is feeling. You can tell when most people are alone or afraid, maybe depressed even. Soon after a couple days I didn't see this girl anymore. She was gone. The person she used to be was gone. It's as if that darkness in her took over her. And now it is gone forever. Nobody know's what changed that.

The author's comments:

This piece means a lot to me. This is because its about real life,and what happens all around us. I wanted to share what I got to see. This was great seeing someone so down and totally in their feelings, to a bright and happy person. 

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