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Finish this please

June 7, 2018
By Anonymous

-Bicycle chase chapter

Aron`s gear

Her bike has a painted wooden platform around the back wheel secured by bicycle pegs and angled metal tubes.
She or any other person is also secured by an adjustable harness attached to the bike that can be easily uncliped by pressing a button  and can be easily recliped by putting it back in the clip.
She is wearing: thick camo pants, waterproof hiking boots, a thick light brown sweater like a biker’s jacket, a bandana and goggles, very circular very dark blue-green helmet.
Weapons: mostly black and green metal baseball bat, a quad barrel pepperbox shotgun BB pistol that is really really strong and can fire most things that can fit in the barrel, BB pistol that is really really strong, Bike Trippers are just rat traps made so that can clamp on to bike tires, but don’t throw them at people and animals, mouse trap made so can latch onto people better that normal, a basket of small rocks to throw at people.
The bike has a container with some useful stuff like a medkit and some random stuff like flashlights and a leatherman multitool.
it has a large basket for carrying scrap they find
Aron is on the back of the bike and her brother is pedaling

Biker kid`s gear

All most of them aren't wearing helmets
Bikes have lots of useful modifications
There are 7 people chasing them and they have 4 bikes, which can hold 2 people 1 rider and 1 passenger and one cart for the tank
one kid whose parents have a little bit more money than most of the kids in the group; has a fast nice off road bike (everyone has off road bikes) and a really strong BB gun assault rifle and a knife
they have containers for carrying things and modifiable weapon holders so they can hold more kinds of weapons.
They have 1 ” tank” person who is a lot stronger than most people in their group and he has armour that restricts movement of the neck, arms and legs but provide a lot more protection and he is also wearing a helmet with a visor he has a somewhat rusted pipe bat and he stands in a cart instead of on the bike pegs
this kid has a BB shotgun that he borrowed from from a friend and he is a passenger he has a helmet that look a lot like Arons but its color look like that of an army helmet.his driver has a board in the middle of the bike that he can move to different positions quickly but he need to move it so outside forces can also move it, but it can be locked in position but not quickly
This kid has all of the melee weapons in his bike, but he also the passenger, he has a good stick, 2 baseball bats one wood one metal and a small pipe bat and the driver has a launcher that can launch rocks
They might carrying weapons like:baseball bats, old rough rusty pipes put together to make a heavy melee weapon, sticks, small boards, strong good BB guns, rocks, knives of lots of kinds, and other non specific things.
They are wearing bandanas and goggles

People chasing them`s backstory and character:

There were minor events and one bigger event that pushed them to chase them
They live closeish and go to same school
They get angered more easily than most people
They hold grudges
Very violent
Aren't very smart
They don’t think before they anything
They don’t care about how their actions affect people as long as it doesn’t concern them and a lot of things don’t concern them

Chase scene basic idea/summary(not in chronological order):

The bikers are behind them
The first kid gets knocked of the back of the bike because Aron took a long rock from them and put it underneath the bike wheel and that made them bounce and hit a speed bump wrong and the kid on the back fell but after a bit he caught back up and got back on the bike.
Shoots the driver in the legs he falls and takes 5 mins to get back up with his partner
They start in town and move into the forest roads and then logging roads
A lot just fighting between temporarily taking down the bikes and their passengers, throwing things shooting, the bikers swinging their melee weapons at Aron and her bike, bikes bumping into each other,

Starting Conflict

When she passed by a house which looked very trashy and not well maintained with trash and used toys and stuff in the yard and a broken car, Then she saw a washing machine and some small car tires with rims, so Aron goes to there yard to get some junk they don’t want and they get mad, so she tries to talk them about the hell they are pissed about her taking stuff they don’t want and they just rudely  tell her f##k off, but she takes the stuff anyway and tells them their yard looks like shit and they should clean their yard,fix their house and sell the broken car and they aren't happy and that sparks their hate for each other. Things start to escalate from there over a short period of time and minor events happen to escalate things like: when Aron talks to them, walks in their yard, takes there soda cans, telling them they should put recycling in the recycling bin, telling them to not throw trash on the ground, insulting them, bumping them on accident, touching their stuff on accident.She also tells her friends about the new junk she got and those asshole kids and she doesn’t have a plan for the washing machine, like most of the junk she brings home.

Other stuff

Aron’s mom is a mechanic

She messes around in the woods behind her house with her friends and makes forts and shelters and stuff and makes stuff out of her junk sometimes but it's usually temporary and will get used for something more important in the future.

The author's comments:

This is an unfinished short story outline, you can finish and do what you want with it.

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