The Blue Jay | Teen Ink

The Blue Jay

June 8, 2018
By NotASchmuck BRONZE, Gresham, Oregon
NotASchmuck BRONZE, Gresham, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a hot summer day, the breeze was flowing through the air and the birds were chirping. All the birds chirp except for one, a tiny but adult blue jay who is trying to protect her nest. It was mating season and she was the lucky one to get a mate. As she lay and protect her eggs a hawk watches. The hawk watches with his keen vision, not losing sight of the blue jay and her nest. The hawk plans his attack and catches the blue jay off guard. As the blue jay collects more twigs for her nest, the hawk knocks the nest full of fresh eggs out of the tree and misses his actual attack on the blue jay. The blue jay was shocked, losing the new twigs that would have improved her nest. The hawk doesn’t attack again, he just flies off to find new prey. The blue jay until it’s death meets where her nest lay on the ground, thinking of if she could of had a great life with those baby blue jay. But she may never know because of the hawk. She lived to the ripe old age of seven and was killed by the hawk that tried to kill her before. She lived her whole life dreaming that her nest would have never been hit. But it happened, making her feel guilt for the rest of her life.

The author's comments:

This piece is about a blue jay who tried to live a normal life, until it all changed

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