Realistic fiction stories written by teens | Teen Ink

Realistic Fiction

Top voted Realistic Fiction

#28261voted by our readers
By Anonymous

Ryan shivered as he crept out of the warm heat of the car into the frigid air of the cold morning. He was very eager as he walked down to the pool, because the championship swim m...

#28262 Fiction
By satellite23 GOLD
Cincinnati, Ohio
satellite23 GOLD, Cincinnati, Ohio
14 articles 0 photos 100 comments

Favorite Quote:
Prove it.

#28263 Fiction
By lovsummergirl94 PLATINUM
West Windsor, New Jersey
lovsummergirl94 PLATINUM, West Windsor, New Jersey
20 articles 0 photos 3 comments
#28264 Fiction
By MeganAveryJade BRONZE
Middlefield, Connecticut
MeganAveryJade BRONZE, Middlefield, Connecticut
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Color my world with the chaos of trouble.

#28265 Fiction
By Anna-Sully GOLD
Louisville, Kentucky
Anna-Sully GOLD, Louisville, Kentucky
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments
#28266 Fiction
becca1294 BRONZE, Vega, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
#28267 Fiction
By Sara Condon BRONZE
Barrington, Illinois
Sara Condon BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments
#28268 Fiction
By arianne BRONZE
Lewisville, Texas
arianne BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 2 comments
#28269 Fiction
By LiveForLife GOLD
Longwood, Florida
LiveForLife GOLD, Longwood, Florida
16 articles 1 photo 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A writer has unlimited power, yet he is powerless. He can create people, worlds, universes, and places you want to be in more than the real world; with the stroke of a pen. But at the same time he can only create. He can't really change the world."

#28270 Fiction
By fortetennis SILVER
Santa Barbara, California
fortetennis SILVER, Santa Barbara, California
5 articles 1 photo 4 comments