Dasiys choice | Teen Ink

Dasiys choice

November 30, 2018
By Anonymous

Rationale: Dan Cody is in the boat about to sink. Gatsby can’t save him so he saves himself instead. Gatsby ends up joining the military as a  result of wanting to travel more of the world. He's assigned to a town that is heavily populated with rich people who throw parties very often. This routine consists of waking up doing a workout, and eating. He also walks around the city making sure everyone is safe and not doing anything stupid and finally walking around the rich neighborhoods late in the day and finally walking to the other side of the neighbourhood, which was considered the poor side at the time.The rich parties often invite the military soldiers in order to assure that things stay under control. I chose to do this because this shows how Gatsby´s life has changed since he was a teen who wanted to travel, but ended up only staying in one certain location, which changed his life compared to what he actully wanted to do.

Gatsby ended up being in Daisy’s monthly party and starts flirting with daisy. Gatsby kisses Daisyś hand and tells her, ¨You are very beautiful.”  He begins to ask around and see who is throwing the party this time. At he party it was very formal with people walking around with classy music playing.  A man named Tom who was also in the military noticed daisy talking to gatsby and walked up and joined the conversation.

Tom introduced himself saying, “Hello I’m Tom and you are?”

Gatsby introduced Daisy saying, “This is the beautiful Daisy.”

At the time Tom also attempts flirting with Daisy by saying, “If I were a cat I would spend all nine lives with you,” he didn't get the reaction he expected. Daisy looked at him in disgust with an awkward reaction. Gatsby walked up and  gives Daisy his address as soon a the party ends. Tom sees this and attempts to do the same. Daisy tookthe paper and explains, “Oh, thank you. I'll keep it with me. ”

tom leaves, and Daisy left it with one of her butlers to get rid of.

Tom sees all of this unfold and is extremely angry with Gatsby even though he doesn't have the right to be upset at him.

Tom and Gatsby go back to the truck they came in with the others and tom starts to argue with gatsby about daisy, saying “She is supposed to be with me she always has been.” Even though he had just introduced himself to her.

Gatsby knew this was a lie and proves his claim wrong by saying, “Then why is she more interested in me than you?”

Tom is very upsets and swings a punch at gatsby, gatsby quickly moving while someone starts holding Tom back from gatsby. Gatsby tells Tom ¨ in one month we will come back here again, and see who she actully likes¨

Gatsby spend the rest of the month trying to figure out what hes going to say to Daisy. Tom spends his month angry at Gatsby and decsides what hes going to do to prevent him from getting with Daisy.

the month goes by and both of them are headed to Daisys party, tom had a large box which gatsby assumed that tom was going to use to win her over. Insted when they get to the party they agree that gatsby should go first. Gatsby attempts to flirt with daisy calling her dark green dress very buetiful, complementing her pearl necklace ,and asking about how she has been doing since they last met. Tom heard a majority of the conversation ,and waited listening to gatsby explain what he plans to do with her when they are together.minutes later Gatsby leaves to the bathroom and runs into tom on the way there.  Tom walks over to Daisy and starts talking to her. As soon as Gatsby leaves the bathroom he walks out and starts talking to the other guests. Tom starts talking to daisy explaining “i've missed you so much since I last saw you and you are all I can think about. Daisy is just nodding her head and saying “yeah” and tom notices this Daisy looks back over at tom but he is already walking to grab the box.

Tom opens the book and pulls out the infinity gauntlet and puts it on turning himself into thanos.Gatsby fights thanos while daisy runs to hid behind a larger pillar at her party while this happens and watches from there.Thanos grabs gatsby and starts to throw him across the room multiple times. Gatsby gets up and limps towards thanos, but He gets pulled into thanos by one of the infinity stones.Gatsby is then stuck to thanos for a brief moment and is struggling to get off saying “you wont get away with this”.While Gatsby is stuck to thanos he accidently  knocks off the gauntlet and thanos turns back into tom. Tom tried to run to the gauntlet but it was shattered as it hit the ground.

Tom freaks out trying to run for it but Gatsby grabs him and quickly tackles him and starts beating him with his hands. He is quickly pulled off of Tom and Daisy runs to Gatsby as she tries to calm him down.Tom is handed off to his leader, and goes to comfort daisy as the 2 walk over to the edge by the the water. And began talking about what just happened. Gatsby starts to explain but both gatsby and daisy realize there is a child sitting on the further edge of the doc a child version of Nick, Gatsby attempts to help him find his parents but both died when thanos was transformed and the child explains this. Daisy and Gatsby ask adopt him ask “well would you mind if we adopted you?” Nick reluctantly accepts the offer and soon accepts that Daisy and Gatsby are family.

The author's comments:

this is for a grade chill 

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