A Dying Flower | Teen Ink

A Dying Flower

January 16, 2019
By Anonymous

When I was young, I always was a playful child. Like any normal  kid, I never once cared or even noticed my surroundings. Each day, as I growed up, went on as another blank story that was untold in my life. Never remembering the day, month, or year that memory was placed in. However, that all changed when I met two people on the sixteenth of one snowy December in the year 2012.

The snow was being harsh on that cold day, as I was walking home. So I ran to the nearest building, which happened to be a cafe. When I entered the warm colored cafe, it was awfully crowded with anonymous strangers I never seen before. There faces resembled their emotions, they were frustrated or either stressed with the uninvited snow. I looked around to see if there were any seats left, and thank goodness their was. I slowly make my way out of the noisy crowd, and head to the lonely empty seat. And there they were, talking openly with eachother.

One a girl and one a boy, each one outgoing, but yet so different. I slowly and awkwardly sit down at the seat, I felt a bit out of place sitting here. I took my phone out to pass some time, but of course it was dead, how convenient I thought. I put my phone back into my back pocket and slightly look over to the window, only for him to interrupt my moment of silence.

“Wow”, he said surprisingly, “when did you get here?”

I jumped a bit and all I could think of, at the moment, was “Is he talking to me?”, and “What should I say?!”. I responding to him in a mumbled panicky way.

“Oh, I just barely got here.”

After answering his question, I started to calm down a bit. Little did I know, we would later be starting a friendly conversation with one another. It later turned into a similarities/differences conversation. In those moments of being there with them, everything was so calm and yet so bright at the same time. Even though it was such a cold harsh day. They somehow turned that dull day, into one of the most brightest day of my life.

After that moment, acquaintances turned into friends, and friends transformed into best friends. It's been two years now and were still close as ever, however, life had different plans on how this “friendship” would end. I just didn’t think it would be so cruel. Cruel as in, never thinking love would slice our friendship slowly, with one simple truth, and one simple confession. As I see her with my best friend, all I could do now was just watch my heart get broken little by little.

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