Never Trust the Stars | Teen Ink

Never Trust the Stars

February 22, 2023
By SunAndMoon_ SILVER, Shenzhen, Other
SunAndMoon_ SILVER, Shenzhen, Other
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When life gives you lemons, make lemonades!

“For the subsequent everlasting cycle of life, our hearts will be link together.”

I watched her die.

Love is more than a simple notice. It is an intense feeling, a privacy, an interpersonal telergy. Like any other couple in love, we used to talk, laugh and embrace. Except I'm a vampire. The Qtar family have been around or for thousands of years, and I am one of the Qtars. We used to consume human blood, but that was inhumane. Hence, animal blood took the place of human blood, and only the purest blood of humans was made into red wine in the contemporary era.

We first met at her coffee shop. Her attractive odor drew me to her coffee shop, while my father have me the task to find the finest human blood to brew the vintage red wines. Found it. I grinned inwardly. The moment I pushed the door and entered in to see who smelled so pristine. In the streams of people coming and going in the coffee shop, one eye, is a million years, I fell in love with her. There she stood by the counter, wearing a white dress, working elegantly, like a beam of bright light, lulling me into letting my guard down. I totally forgot she was the target. 

“Hi…I am Jack…Jack Qtar.”

“Nice to meet you Jack, I’m Liz. What would you like?”

“Can I have an espresso?”


From that day on, I constantly came to Liz’s coffee shop, and always ordered an espresso, also had small chats with her. It was remarkable. We could resonate with each other’s thoughts and ideas. 

As soon as we realized that Cupid had fired arrows at both of us, we started a forbidden love. She didn't understand all about this, though. 

“Jack, when looking at the stars at night, why are the colors of stars different?”

“That’s because of different temperatures, Liz.”

“Jack, why are stars so attractive.”

“Not as attractive as you, my dear.”

“Jack, will stars blind our eyes and betray us?”

“I doubt your saying, Liz, stars will guide us to our fulfilling denouement.”


We were immersed in a relationship, but this relationship was sweet and transient. 

Everything changed when she was abducted. I was going to the coffee shop as usual to order an espresso and met her that day when another shop assistant told me that she was absent for the entire day. With a sense of foreboding, I rushed towards the bar where a large crowd of wine tasters had assembled with a sensation of dread. She was there. She was pale, strapped to a chair, as innocent as the mockingbird. Though she was tied, I could see that her hand was attached to a tube transmitting her contained to a container. Hell, someone reported her to my father before I could even protect her well. ”What are you doing! You know what you’re doing? You’re gonna die soon!" 

"Of course she knows what she was doing, boy. She consented."

My father came out of nowhere with many of his pals.

“Boy, you are still too naive to be against me. You are aware of the consequences of family betrayal, right? This young lady pays for you, boy.”

"Let go of her!" But I was was constrained by two guards. At that moment, I felt the world was doom and gloom, yet I could do nothing but flounder. I saw her face getting even more pallid and her lips trembling; I could tell that she wanted to say something but was too feeble to speak. One drop, two drops, three drops, I watched her blood being drawn out until Death pronounced her demise. I felt dim, suffocated, blacked out.

Six thousand years later, two graves of star-crossed lovers lie on a hill. "I defy you—stars!” was written on one of the headstones. The story between the star-crossed lovers prevailed among the teenage vampires, who often exclaim about the ending of the beautiful but poignant story:


The aroma attracted him to the coffee shop

Where he immediately took a shine to an assistant, a beautiful girl

Then he came every afternoon from his workshop

Obsessed with the girl for sure


He always came to order an espresso

And it was always that girl who made it for him readily

One day the girl drew a heart on the milk cover of the espresso

Cupid shot arrows at both the first day they met dreamily


Sixty-six years later, there still stood the coffee shop, washed by time

The young girl was now eighty-sixed, her beauty faded by the years

It's sixty-five years since he came to the shop, a long time

They finally met again in tears


He was still that attractive, that charm never fading, never, ever

He wiped the tears from her face and said:" I will love you forever"

The author's comments:

Inspired by lines of "Macbeth", I wrote the piece "Never Trust the Stars", depicting "a pair of star-crossed lovers" fighting towards free love. For those that already read "Macbeth", I believe we all know that stars are representatives of fate, and that fate is predetermined and inevitable. "Never Trust the Stars" is a tragedy, just as "Macbeth", trying to "defy" the stars, twisting their fates desperately. Enjoy reading!

(Superfluous last words: the poem at the end is a sonnet I wrote haha, this is my first piece of sonnet and I'm still not "proficient" with adjusting the words into the form. I welcome any comments and suggestions! Thxxx alot :D)

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