She's All I Ever Wanted | Teen Ink

She's All I Ever Wanted

August 11, 2011
By Anonymous

“ What am I going to do?”

Terry sighed as he stared into the moonlight, he had to choose already. It wouldn’t be fair if he kept on playing with their hearts. Only then would he end up lonely like Bruce. He liked how patient Dana has been to put up with him. The missed dates, the seldom wandering into space when she talked to him he knew he wasn’t the perfect boyfriend not at all. He felt though the only reason he was with her was because he wanted to make up for all the times he broke her heart. He cared for Dana and didn’t want her hurt… but he didn’t love her.

He was more of an accessory than her boyfriend. She bragged about his good looks, popularity, job and even the motorcycle rides he gave her. He and Dana had nothing in common except both being of the opposite sex. Their conversations were bland and talked mostly of how their day went and schoolwork. They say opposites attract yet their relationship wasn’t going anywhere. When they kissed and went out on dates sparks were not flying. He tried to feel something but he couldn’t.

“ I try to make the best at happiness.
I’m a broken heart,
I’m a broken heart,
My love is bleeding,
I’m a broken heart,
I’m a broken heart,
An empty feeling.” ~ The Bird And The Bee: I’m a broken heart

Melanie on the other hand had much more things in common with him. They both had jobs that conflicted their relationships with their loved ones. They were perfect together, they lived in the moment and when they kissed it felt magical. They understood each other and knew at the end of the day someone actually cared. They had long walks in the park, met under the large clock at the stroke of midnight. Heck, he even kissed her in the rain while turning her in the air like a scene from The Notebook. It was picture perfect until she made the fateful decision of leaving him for the life of crime as Ten from the Royal flush gang, her family who at the end used her.

“ What goes around comes around…”

The reason they didn’t work out was because true love involves sacrifices and she wasn’t willing to give up her life as a criminal for him. He felt like a used tissue, once loved and needed then thrown away with the others. Melanie also didn’t reveal her secret identity but neither did he so it wouldn’t be fair if he put all the blame on her because he wouldn’t have done it either. Their secrets were what kept them apart and their dishonesty. In a relationship trust was key and it seemed to be a thing they both lacked.

“Beauty queen of only eighteen
She had some trouble with herself
He was always there to help her
She always belonged to someone else.” ~ Maroon 5: She will be loved

And how could he have forgotten about Max? He was lucky he fell in love with his best friend, things were never awkward, they already knew each other well, she knew his secret and helped him with advice, cases, and schoolwork. They were open books to each other often spilling their most intimate secrets as if they were giddy school children. The only problem was that they were too shy to show their true feelings to each other. Afraid of breaking their bff relationship. Until one day they did.


“Max, I’ve been meaning to tell you this for a while now.

“ Can it wait we need to study for our Ap world history test tomorrow and I want to get a better grade…”

Max looked at terry’s eyes daze off with his shining hair strands loosely covering his eyes in embarrassment. A flush of red appeared on his cheeks suddenly when he realized that she was looking at him concerned. Could this be the Terry Mcginnis, the bad boy of Hamilton Hill High, Or was, Could he possibly be shy talking to her, a normal girl, who only seems to care about her A’s, No! Could he?

“ What is it Ter?

“ We’ve been friends for a while now,
You’ve got me feeling like a child now,
Cause every time you hold me in your arms,
You give me a feeling that I adore.” ~ Colbie Caillat: Bubbly

Terry leaned in with his hands on Max’s lap 2 inches away from her lips.

“ I love you.”

“ You don’t know how long I wanted to hear that.”

Max held her right hand holding up his chin and pulled him closer to her lips a soft nurturing kiss with no tongue but just as sexy as only Terry can be. His cologne smelled of an ocean and her fingers were grazing over the ripples of his abdominal muscles. Warm but not too warm. She never knew how amazing kissing a boy can be and out of all the boys, Terry came to her. And she took the bait. Darn you sexy Terry, Darn you.
Suddenly Terry drew away from her body and looked at her lovingly with his baby blue sky eyes.

“I love you too, more than you’ll ever know.”

Terry chuckled and flashed his boyish cute smile. Max rolled her eyes playfully and batted her eyelashes.

“ Now let’s not get full of ourselves.”

“ So my Princess Maxine what shall happen of our future together?

Max let out a giggle.

“ Patience Terrence, you shall find out quite soon my prince.”


Terry turned around intently at her eyes and smiled like a fool.

“ I made the right choice”

“ The heck you did!”

“ Max, I’ll love you more than you’ll ever know.”

“ Shut up and kiss me already Mcginnis.”

“ Yes Ma’m.”

Max’s lips formed into a smile as they leaned in and their lips parted.

The digital media player played “ How deep is your love?” As if it were on key.

“I believe in you
You know the door to my very soul
You're the light in my deepest, darkest hour
You're my savior when I fall
And you may not think
That I care for you
Well, you know down inside
That I really do
And it's me you need to show
How deep is your love?” ~ The bee gees. Cover: The Bird and the Bee

The author's comments:
My very first romantic piece the characters are not mine and are owned by warner brothers. The story idea is mine.

max is a girl short for maxine.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Sep. 6 2011 at 11:03 am
SilverLuna SILVER, _________, Washington
8 articles 0 photos 229 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Come fairies take me out of this dull world, for I would ride with you upon the wind and dance upon the mountains like a flame.".... W.B. Yeats.
"Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." - Douglas Adams

Some typo's but the story was adorable. I wish that you had made the characters original though. Good job and still just as adorable. (: