Maddix's Mate | Teen Ink

Maddix's Mate

December 29, 2012
By InTheDark810 BRONZE, Fort Wayne, Indiana
InTheDark810 BRONZE, Fort Wayne, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Maddix's Mate

Maddix's paws hit the forest floor, mud coating his fur from horse playing with his brother, Kale. They were heading back to the pack house to shower and get ready to settle in for the night. Both Maddix and his brother had been outside since sunrise just running and playing around. They were restless because they heard from their father, the Alpha, that a witch in a close town told him that one of the twins would find their mate today.

Maddix hoped with everything in him that the girl he was destined to be with would show up. He would be ecstatic for his brother, but he felt like he needed the missing piece to his heart. He knew that his mate was that missing piece and he was ready to meet her.

'Maddix, let's go! It's lunch time, and there won't be any food left if we don't get our asses home.'

His brother communicated through the pack link. As far as Maddix knew there were only two types of links. The pack link and the link you share with your mate. The mate link is stronger because you can actually feel your mates' emotions, as well as communicate with them through the mind.

They started running, racing each other home. Maddix knew he would win; he'd always been a faster runner. He was better at athletic things, while his brother was more into music and was commonly known as a bookworm. They were identical in looks, with their hair caught between blond and brown and their ocean blue eyes, but their personalities were completely different. That's how their parents could tell who was who when they were younger.

When they reached the house, they shifted and grabbed clothes from the basket on the porch. The twins changed quickly and bounded into the house. The boy's tummies were rumbling. They were definitely ready for their mother's home cooked meal.

They both stopped mid step on their way to their usual seats. Kale bumped into Maddix's back making him stumble a little. He righted himself and stared at the beauty before him. Maddix's wolf howled. He knew this girl was his.

"M-Mom who's this?" Maddix stammered, never taking his eyes off of her. She had tears streaming down her face and her whole body was shaking. She was sitting in Maddix's usual chair with her knees up to her chest. Her bright blue eyes continued to fill with tears as Maddix waited for an answer from his mother. He didn't think it would be a good idea to approach her. She looked terrified enough, and his wolf was telling him to stay back. Then again, he was furious and wanted to know who hurt his angel, his mate.

"Boys, this is Addie. Please make her feel welcome. She's officially part of our pack. I'll explain more later," she whispered the last part, and continued stirring the big pot of beef stew on the stove. Apparently lunch wasn't quite finished.

Maddix made his way over to Addie slowly. He squatted down in front of her chair, keeping a few inches distance.

"Addie, my name's Maddix. See that guy over there? That's my twin brother Kale," Maddix said softly trying to soothe his mate. You could see her visibly relax slightly at the sound of his voice alone.

Addie simply nodded, her fist unclenching a little.

"What happened, beautiful?" Maddix asked gently, praying she wasn't scared of him. He wanted her to know that she could trust him. He wouldn't be able to feel her emotions until they were bonded completely.

"Seth," she whispered, choking on a sob.

"Who's Seth, Addie?" She just shook her head, her dark chocolate brown hair falling in her face covering her gorgeous eyes. "Kale, Mom, can you give us a minute?"

They both left the room and Maddix moved closer to her.

"Addie, gorgeous, can you please tell me who Seth is? I just want to help you," Maddix wanted nothing more than to hold her close and kiss away all his baby's pain. He knew he couldn't risk scaring her, though.

"My b-brother," she wailed, her fist balling once again. She was clenching her fist so tight now that she was close to drawling blood.

Maddix reached out and unclenched her fist ever so slowly. Touching her sent a shock of pleasure through his entire body, making him moan softly. Addie gasped and pulled away quickly, making him frown and his wolf growl.

"W-what was that?" Addie stuttered, her silver gray eyes going as wide as saucers.

"We're mates Addie," Maddix breathed.

Addie stood on shaky legs, and ran for the door, leaving Maddix stunned and confused.

Maddix followed Addie outside. The warm summer air hit him, and with his heightened senses he could smell the woods from here. The smell of wood, grass, leaves and bark calmed him. Maddix needed this calming feeling, that way it would be easier to sort out things with Addie.

"Addie, wait," Maddix called, catching up to her quickly. She just quickened her pace feeling the urge to shift overtake her. In her old pack, before she and her brother left, there was no such thing as a mate. Yes, there was the mate principle, but the Alpha choose who everyone was ultimately with. He was an evil man who would purposely keep his wolves away from their mates. He told his pack that mates were bad; he bullied them into believing everything he said.

When Addie reached the woods she immediately exploded into her wolf form. She couldn't deal with Maddix right now. Not after what she had just witnessed. Not after what she had just been through.

Last night was the worst night of Addie's life. She and her brother Seth had been planning to leave their pack for months. Their Alpha was away on business, and nobody knew of this plan but the two of them. They waited until it was dark and fled for freedom. It wasn't long before someone realized they were missing. Someone from the pack alerted the Alpha. Two of the pack members were ordered to kill Addie and her older brother.

Seth was strong and he fought both of them off as long as he could so Addie could get away. It was the hardest thing imaginable to leave her brother behind. Addie knew he was going to die as soon as she began to flee.

She'd gone back to the place where she'd left him hours later. Addie saw his lifeless body lying in the middle of the deserted road. His right paw covered his heart. That had always been the siblings' sign of love towards one another. Addie howled when she realized the last thing her brother had done was say 'I love you', in their own special way.

'Addie, just talk to me,' Maddix pleaded, stepping in her way.

'No, please move,' Even as she thought the words she knew she wouldn't make it much farther. Her legs were shaking so badly and she knew they would give way. Her heart was so heavy with grief she could barely think. She couldn't focus on her mate's wolf form even if she'd wanted to. Addie just wanted to die and be in heaven with her brother. She wanted this grueling pain that was both physical and mental to stop. Addie wanted to give up.

'Addie, please, angel,' He made his way toward her nuzzling her neck softly. She fell to the ground in a big heap. His touch was overpowering, making her feel the slightest bit calmer, even in her wolf form.

Maddix laid down beside her resting his chin against her back.

'Maddix, it hurts so much. I- I left him and he died. He died to save me and I want to die, too.' Maddix growled low and deep.

'Addie, you're mine and you're not going anywhere,' Maddix practically screamed inside her head. Addie whimpered, making Maddix close his eyes tight.

'Maddix, make it go away. Just- just make it stop.'

Maddix knew what his mate wanted. He didn't even have to ask what she meant. She wanted to be bonded to him completely. He shifted to his human form, and hovered above her when she shifted too. He took her face in his right hand and gently caressed her cheek. She shivered from the touch, a shaky breath escaping her pale lips.

"I care about you, Addie. Even though we don't know each other well, we will eventually. I'll always be here for you, and your brother would want you to live, angel. He would want you to be happy, I promise."

Maddix didn't know the full story, but he didn't need to. He'd put the pieces together himself.

His life mission now was to make his mate happy again, and kiss away all her pain.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jan. 11 2013 at 2:20 pm
InTheDark810 BRONZE, Fort Wayne, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment
I will! Thank you! <3

on Jan. 10 2013 at 8:02 am
In_Love_with_Writing GOLD, Easton, Pennsylvania
12 articles 0 photos 389 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phillipians 4:13

Great story! Can you comment and rate some of my stories?