An Unexpected Love | Teen Ink

An Unexpected Love

February 7, 2013
By BernBern SILVER, Covington, Louisiana
BernBern SILVER, Covington, Louisiana
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm at the airport, it's 4 in the morning, and I am going to see my aunt down in Destin, Florida. My hair is on top my head in a messy bun. I'm wearing yoga pants, tennis shoes, and a big sweatshirt. I'm late as it is like always, so I am rushing to get through security and down to my boarding gate. As I am running to my gate I look down to make sure I have the ticket in my hand, then all of a sudden I crash into somebody and we both fall and drop everything.

"Are you kidding me? Please watch where you are going next time," I said.

In his deep voice he said, "I am so sorry. Are you okay?"

I finally looked up and saw his brown wavy hair and blue eyes. It took me by surprise but I finally told him I was fine and didn't need his help. I quickly grabbed all my stuff and started to take off again.

Until he yelled out and said, "Hey! You forgot your ticket!"

I ran back and thanked him and told him he was a life saver, except for the fact that he ran into me. I finally got to my gate. I got onto the plane ready to fly first class because my aunt is all about first class and wanted me to experience it. I sat down and just put my head against the seat and took a deep breath and realized I made it. The next thing I know a flight attendant came up to me and said first class was bought out and that I could no longer sit here. I started yelling and I was wondering how it could be bought in such short notice. The flight attendant was about to show me to my new seat when I saw the guy I ran into walk in.

He said to the flight attendant, "She can stay, I know her."

He winked at me and half smiled. I asked him

"Why did you buy the first class seating to Florida? I'm pretty sure you were walking in the other direction," I said.

"Well I looked at you when we ran into each other and I knew I had to know more about you. So I took a look at your ticket and switched my flights," he said.

I said, "Why would you want to know more about me? You don't even know me. I am just some random person you ran into in an airport."

"When you looked at me and didn't know who I was, I took an interest in you because I can never find a girl who just to be with me because I am famous," he said.

"What do you mean?" I said. "Who are you exactly?"

"I'm Chris Hill. I am well known singer. Not to brag, I'm just saying that to see if you know me."

"Oh yes! I have heard your name in people's conversations but I've never actually taken part in them. You don't have to worry about me I am not sure if I can date a selfish celebrity. "

"Ouch! You don't hold anything back. But trust me I'm different from everyone else. I can prove it."

"Yeah okay... That's what they all say. But even if I were to fall for you, there is a higher percentage that you would break my heart rather than a regular guy."

"Very true. I totally get what you are saying."

By this time we are sitting next to each other. We are waken up by a flight attendant saying that we have arrive. I realize I fell asleep on his shoulder and his head was asleep on mine. I quickly get up and grab my bag and try to get out.

"Where are you going? He says, "I don't even know your name!"

"My name is Laurel Evans and I am going to see my aunt in Destin. Goodbye Chris and have a nice life."

I exited and tried to find my aunt. I finally found her and I was so excited to see her. We took her convertible back to her beach house. It was such a beautiful and peaceful day. But yet I still couldn't stop thinking about the way I left Chris. I knew I would never see him again and I was a tad bit sad but I knew it was for the better.
The next day I went out to the beach. I sat in a chair, read a book, and tanned. I took a break from my book and got on to my iPad. I looked up Chris Hill and read a lot of things about him. Interviewers said he was so sweet and funny. Magazines marked him as the most thoughtful person alive. In an interview he said he is waiting for his dream girl to come along. One who wants him for him and not for what he does or how much money he has. I realized then that I totally judged him way before I even had the chance to actually get to know who he really is.

I packed up and went back to the house. When I got back to the house, Chris was there. He was already having a conversation with my aunt. Of course my aunt knew who he was because she always wanted to be hip.

"Hi Laurel!" he said.

"Hey Chris. What are you doing here? How did you even find me?

"Well I know this is creepy and I'm sorry but I got on to your phone and got your number. When I tried to call you, your aunt picked up and she invited me over. I knew I couldn't pass up an opportunity to see you again."

"Haha that is creepy but I am glad you did that. I was having second thoughts about leaving you on that plane and probably never seeing you again. Do you want to go for a walk?"

"I would love too."

We walked down to the beach and walked along the shoreline for a long time. We talked and talked about each other. Learning about his life was so interesting and I kept wanting to know more. Finally we saw that the sun was starting to go down so we watched it as it went down. He then grabbed me and brought me closer to him. His hands touched my face as we kissed. The sunset seemed to stand still as our lips never came apart. We pulled away and our foreheads rested on each others. Both of us smiling. We gazed into each others eyes. At that moment I never wanted to let go. We hugged and then we turned and started to walk back to the house. My arm around his waist and his around my shoulders. We said bye to each other when we got back. It felt like the perfect night. One that I had always dreamed would happen.

For almost the whole week we hung out whenever we could. Each day was something different. We spent a day at the beach talking, building sand castles, playing in the water, and taking walks. We got coffee then went shopping and I tried on clothes while he rated them for me. We went down to Watercolor and Seaside and rode bikes through the towns. We ate burgers, fries, and split a milkshake in the plaza of Seaside. But my most favorite day was when we went YOLO boarding. He had never been so I had to teach him. He started off really badly. He kept falling off the board into the water and it was funny.

He asked. "Hey could you give me a hand back on my board?"

"Yeah! Here!...Wahhhh!!"

He had tricked me and I was in the water with him in an instant. I should of known he was going to that. Classic guy move.

I said, "You did that on purpose didn't you?"

"No...I lost my grip."

"Yeah okay sure."

We couldn't stop laughing at each other. The laughing soon stop when he took me close and our lips met again. It was so peaceful out on the lake and let's just say it was picture perfect. We came apart and looked into each others eyes and smiled.

After our perfect moment we realized our paddles and board had floated away. So we had a race to go get them and of course I won.

Later that night he made me dinner. I was pretty surprised by it because what guy, especially a celebrity, can cook. He made a flavorful steak, roasted potato bites, and baked macaroni. It was so delicious and I was so grateful to see that side of him.

I was quickly falling hard for Chris. I had never had a feeling like this before. I cared deeply about him and I wasn't willing to let go. We became closer. But when it got down to the point when he had to go back on tour, our relationship had to be discussed. Going on tour for him would take up most of his time leaving little for me. But I was in full support of what he did. He told me whenever he was free he would stop by and see me. As we parted our ways we kissed knowing it would be a long time till we could see each other again.

The times Chris came to see me were amazing. Being apart made us that much closer when he came. Every time it was hard to let each other go but we knew we would see each other again.

When his tour was over he flew me out to Destin to meet him there. He told me to go out to the beach right when the sun was setting just like when we took our first walk together. I went out there and written in the sand said, Will you marry me? There were sand castles around the writing. As I looked up he was on a YOLO board coming to shore with one of the shirts I picked out for him when we went shopping. He came on to shore and walked up to me, got down on one knee, and took out the ring.

He said to me, "I want to live in the warmth of your heart everyday. I fall in love with you again everyday and I want to continue doing that. Whatever challenges may separate us, we will find a way to get back to each other. I will always love you no matter the situation. So will you please do my the honor and marry me?"

He was smiling immensely and tearing up a tad. This was a very important moment for him and let's just say he nailed it.

"YES! YES! I love you so much!"

In that moment he pulled me so close and we stayed hugging for a while. Then he took my face like he always does and kissed me so passionately it felt so right like everything else was wrong. I knew my life with Chris was going to be like the dream that never comes true.

The author's comments:
What inspired me was a dream I had that's always wish would come true

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