Catching My Breath | Teen Ink

Catching My Breath

March 12, 2013
By BeckBeck11 BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
BeckBeck11 BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Catching My Breath

“Hunny!” called a beautiful voice,”can you get down here and help me with the groceries. The girls won’t help me and we have a lot to bring in”

“Alright hunny, I’ll be down in a minute.” I called down to her. Just as I said that two little twin girls came running past me in the hall.

“Hold it girls. Why don’t you want to help your Mommy? She would really appreciate it.” I said to the two of them.

“But Daddy, we wanted to go outside and play with the swings.” Said Samantha

“No buts Sammy, but maybe if we go and help Mommy and Daddy they can come play with us too!” Suzie said to her. “Right Daddy?” She asked me to make sure it was ok.

“Yes dear, now c’mon lets go help your Mom before she eats all the Popsicle sticks” I said teasingly.
What? Hun? Oh c’mon really? I was just getting to the good part of that dream and now you wake me up?! I wanted to see who my wife was. Damn, Opps I shouldn’t have said that because I am a Priest. Though lately I have been having doubts of being in the Priesthood, I have always wanted to be either a teacher or a Priest. I guess now that I had this dream, I think I know what I want to do.
Finally deciding that I won’t be going to bed anytime soon, I get up and go make a cup of coffee. When that is done, I look at my emails to see what I missed. Mostly junk mail, nothing new. I sent a quick e-mail to my boss because I wanted to talk to him in person about my future. I turn off my computer and go and get ready for the day. As I walking into the bathroom I pause to look at the mirror that is hanging on the door. I have short dirty blond hair, and I am about 6’4”. I am a tone male because of all the exercising I do to keep in shape. Twenty minutes later, I am out the door on my way to see my boss, Jerry.
“Hello Frank, I just got your e-mail, what is it now you wanted to talk about?” Jerry asked when I walked in the door.
“Hey Jer, I just had this wonderful dream last night. It was me talking to twin girls, probably around the age of six, and I had a wife downstairs waiting for me to help her with the groceries. I know it seems simple, but since I was young I have always wanted a wife who I can spoil and two kids in a nice house with a dog. When I hit my college years, I was torn between being a teacher for high school students and being in the Priesthood. So I decided that I should take the first job that I got offered to me and it was yours.” I basically told him my whole life dream
“Hmm, I see Frank are you sure that this is what you want to do?” he asked with a small frown on his ageing face.
“Yes I am pretty sure that this is what is suppose to happen with me” I said in reply
“Well it’s up to you. You have been one of the best Priests we’ve had in a while; just know that we will miss you dearly. Always come back and visit us, ok?” he said with a small smile.
“Ok Jerry, I will miss you and the other guys, I just don’t think that this was the right job for me at the time of my life. I am only 20 year old, so yeah. I will keep in touch with you.”
I walked out the door feeling like a new person. For some reason I believe that I could never really breathe in this job; like it was almost a burden to me. Looking at my phone to see what the time was, I see that it is still in the morning. I decide that I am feeling kind of hungry and decide to go take a quick drive by Starbucks. I walk to my car and unlocked it and hoped in. I turn it on, and then plug my phone in to my car so I can play Pandora. I click on the shuffle, and hear the familiar tunes of Marron5’s Lucky Strike. About ten minutes later I arrive to the parking lot of Starbucks. I turn my car off and walk on in.
“Hello, how may I help you sir?” the young cashier asked. I did a quick look over her; she seemed to be either late high school, early college; probably around 18. She looked to be about 5’5”, so she just reached up to my chest. Her hair looks to be a light brown with some highlights in it; the length is just past her chest. She has a perfect oval face shape with green eyes, a button nose with rosy pink lips. Over her clothes was the Starbucks apron along with her name tag and I saw her name was Kira.
“Hi Kira, can you please get me a blueberry scone and a venti caramel macchiato.” I said to her.
“That’s my job, so yes I can” she said smiling flirty at me “can I get your name sir?”
“Ohh yes sorry, it’s Frank.” I said
“No problemo,” she said handing me my scone.
“Thank you Kira” I said with a smile.
“One venti caramel macchiato for Frank.” Another worker called out
“That’s me, thank you” I said, then walking out the door back to my car.
Once back in the car, I take out my scone and take a bite of it. I notice a slip of paper in the bag, and saw that it was Kira’s phone number, telling me to give her a call. I thought about it for a minute and decided to put the number in my cell. And then I drove back home.
As I was driving back home, I saw families playing in their yards, walking around and just enjoying the nice day. ‘I want that’ I thought to myself. To be able to throw a football to my son, and watch my wife and daughters play tea party out on the patio. For some reason when I thought that, I see Kira there with the girls; that’s weird, I just meet her.

I pull into my apartment parking garage and went to my parking space. I turned off my car and head into the building. My apartment is located right along beach of Panama City, Florida. The building itself is fairly new I believe; only five or so years old. The building has seven floors and mine is located on the fifth. It’s a simple apartment. It has two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen and living and dining room all in one big room. I am fortunate to have a balcony right out of my living area; it’s a perfect view of the Gulf of Mexico. On my balcony I have my small grill and a small table with two chairs. Usually in the morning when I am waking up I like to sit out there and watch the sun rise before I have to go to work.

Looking at the clock in my kitchen I decide that it is early in the afternoon and settle on taking a run along the beach trail. I go into my room and change into more comfortable workout clothes and head back out the door. As I was running along the beach I think of some schools that were hiring for the next school year. I have to decide quickly because the summer just started and it’s going to go by fast. I think that I will go to the two local high schools and see if they need new science teachers, because I love to talk about biology. I am going to have to call them when I get back. The trail takes a turn and my apartment complex comes into view, I sprit the last minute to finish off my run.

When I walk into my apartment a blast of the air conditioning reminded me that I have sweat dripping down my chest. I go straight to my bathroom and take a quick shower. As soon as I finished I went go find my phone and make a few calls to the high schools. One of them was Panama City High school, which I have a meeting with the principal tomorrow morning at 9. Looking at the clock above my television I see it reads 5:30 pm. Right then my stomach grumbles at me saying it needs food. Walking into my kitchen I think about what I am hungry for. Should I order or make something? Decision, decision. I settle on making my very yummy pasta dish. The pasta dish is basically bowtie pasta, with different veggies that I have in the fridge thrown in, along with a marinara sauce. To top it off I put a little basil that I am growing from my balcony

I put my dirty dishes in the dishwasher and decide that I am getting tired and head to bed early tonight. Walking into my bed room my king size memory foam bed is calling out to me. I have chocolate brown quilt with matching sheets on my bed. My walls are just a plane cream color. My room is one of the few in the apartment were the balcony wraps around to the room. I have a large sliding door that leads out to it; the view from it is spectacular. On each side of my bed I have two side tables with a modern lamp on them. And in front of my bed I have a TV on top of my dresser.

I change into my pajamas and craw into my bed and set my alarm clock for 6 am.

“Daddy!” screamed my twin girls, who were around 6 now “your home! We missed you!”

“Really know? Well I miss you girls a lot too. But didn’t you have fun with mommy and Auntie Lauren?” I asked them giving them a hug.

“Yeah we did. We had soooooo much fun!” Susie said jumping up and down.

“Yeah! We got to watch Cinderella, eat homemade pizza, do make-over’s and dress up. Ohh and we got to eat ice cream for dessert!” Samantha said with a big smile on her face.

“It sounds like you had a blast. Now, let’s go and see mammy, I need to give her a hug also. Plus I got presents for all of my girls.” I said smiling “Hunny, I am home! Where are you?”

“I’m in the living room with your sister.” She called out to me.

I headed to the living room, but before I was able to reach her, blackness surrounded me.

The author's comments:
This story is not complete. It will be finished in near future. This was bast of a prompt I had to pick in English. The prompt is...."You are a Priest and are thinking about leaving the Priesthood..."

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