I'll Tell You | Teen Ink

I'll Tell You

April 21, 2013
By 2STLY BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
2STLY BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I wish I'd had WRITING TOOLS when I began my life as a writer-not only because it would have spared me so much anguish, but because it would have helped me have a hell of a lot more fun" -Adrian Nicole LeBlanc, author of Random Family

I will Tell You
It was perfectly normal for him to see all the boys swooning over her but he want to ignore it, no matter what. He wanted to deny the fact he have that anything to do with her. He also wanted to stop making eye contact with her that lasted for a few seconds. But he could not he just could, not because when she was around, his body will automatically react and he had no control over it. For him, it became a natural habit and he hated it but at the same time he wanted to turn around and look at her.

“Claude, you better draw the line between love and hate” his friend said one day as Claude looked out the window of the Starbucks Cafe. It was a perfectly normal day for the pedestrians, mechanics, writers, and all those who find their dream jobs to be going to work or taking a short break.

“What did you say?” Claude asked.

His friend sighed as he puts his Starbucks Ice Mocha down and he suddenly took out a pencil out of his pocket and drew something on the table. It was a line and on either side of the line it said hate or love.

“Pick” his friend said pointing at both the choices.

“For what?” Claude asked.

His friend gave an annoyed sigh once again. “It's either you love her or you hate her, or worse, you are obsessed with her” his friend said.

“I do not even know yet” he said.

“Eye contact is a hint” he said.

“You're sounding like a girl now, Sync” he said.

Sync just ignored his friend and continued with the topic. “Men talk about these stuff sometimes too” he said.

“I assume that most men talk about a girl curves, appearance, beauty, sexiness” Claude said as he drank his lemonade.

“That's perfectly normal” Sync said.

“And how do you know?” Claude asked as if testing Sync's knowledge and he just smirked.

“That's because I am more experienced than you” exclaimed Sync. “You know very well, Claude, that I have a girl I like and I will keep her chained to me no matter what” said Sync.

“You're so possessive” he commented.

“All men are like that when they fall in love” he said.

“Really now?” Claude asked.

“Yes” answered Sync and he went further with the conversation to clear up some things.

“When you said men talk about a girls' curve, appearance, beauty, and sexiness” Sync continued. “They do not care about her” Sync said.

Claude was suddenly surprised to hear this.

“It's called lust” said Sync. “Lust meaning pleasure, indulgence, or whatever you want to call it” he said.

“But you know, men who talk about girls like that, there is no emotional kinship in that” Sync said as a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

“What's with that?” Claude suddenly twitched his eyebrows, thinking that he was going to hear something cheesy come out of Sync's mouth.

“ Nina...I was just thinking about her smile and her-” and Claude immediately cut him off, not wanting to hear anymore cheesy sayings coming out of his mouth.

“Let's continue with what we were talking about before!” Claude said.

“What I thought and talking about just now was love” said Sync.

“Love...” Claude said clumsily. “That's extremely cheesy for someone like you to say” Claude commented. “Love is when lust, emotional kinship, beauty, and possessiveness are combined” said Sync.

With that said, Claude finally got an idea of what Sync was talking about. When there is love, there an overflowing feeling of emotions, you want to keep the girl you love to yourself, you just want more and more of her, and you always think that she is beautiful.

That night, Claude could not sleep as images of THAT GIRL appeared in his mind. He wondered why he did not know any of this sooner and he just sighed irritably and let out a loud sigh. He wanted to scream and let the world knows that he was getting frustrated the more he thought about it.

“Love or Hate?” Claude asked himself.

He pondered about those two choices. When he looked back, he never felt a feeling of bitterness when he looked at the girl but instead it somehow made him happy. He did not understand love but when they made eye contact with each other, he felt a small connection between the two, and when he heard those guys swooning over her he felt jealous. I know the answer now, Claude thought as he smiled since he sorted everything out in his messed up brain.

Once the school bell rang the next morning, Claude waited as the girl to come out. He did not know her name yet but he was familiar with her appearance by now.

He saw the group of guys surrounding her again and he felt a twinge of jealously come across his heart. He irritably walked up to them and pushed his way through them, earning a glare from each man that he pushed.

He noticed the girl aware of his presence from the crowd of men. She smiled and suddenly walked up to him. A blushed appeared on his face as she grabbed his arm and brought him to a place so the two of them could talk.

“I'll tell you that its Vivian” Vivian said.

“I'll tell you I love you” Claude instinctively said.


The author's comments:
A simple story about a guy, Claude, who doesn't know the difference between love, lust and hate until explained by Sync. "I'll tell you..." the girl says. and "I'll tell you..." Claude says!

Note: This story ends with how you imagine it!

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