ABC Story | Teen Ink

ABC Story

November 5, 2013
By Anonymous

Again, I fell for his eyes. Beautifully lit, I became drowned in the righteous brown coloring. “Come closer,” I said. Drastically, I tried opening my eyes as wide as his. Eventually, I looked away to keep him wondering. For a moment, it was silent and I was okay with that. Glistening above us, stars scattered the sky. He reached for my hand, forcing me to feel how cold his were. I let our fingers slowly become interlocked. Just then, and there, I felt as if I was dreaming. Kissing me on the hand, I just sat and let it happen. Laughs were shared as I thought everything he said was funny just because maybe tomorrow, this would all be a dream. No, I began to remember this was actually reality. Out of my head, my thoughts were wandering. Please don’t forget this come tomorrow, and the next day, and the next. “Quiet,” he whispered. Relaxingly, I sat there and said nothing. Soon enough, I felt him come closer. Turned my head, and there those big eyes were again. Until that moment, I was so unsure about everything. Voices crept in my mind, but I tried ignoring them all. We began to kiss. X-rays of my heart would of shown my feeling as it began racing. Yes, I will never forget that moment. Zoning out, time took over and sooner or later, it was the next morning.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Nov. 11 2013 at 11:43 am
hi ;*

on Nov. 11 2013 at 11:40 am
omg i am in love with this story you write beautiful :** :)