Happily Ever After | Teen Ink

Happily Ever After

November 21, 2013
By Ann367 SILVER, Ransom, Illinois
Ann367 SILVER, Ransom, Illinois
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Good friends stab you in the front

Josh and I got married on August 19th 2008. We got married a year later after we got engaged. My dress, was the exact same dress I found in the bridal section, in BB's and fashion that day. Today, on September 12th 2021, we have three beautiful children, Mary, Jason, and Chelsea. After we got engaged, Josh and I raised the money to buy a home together, and I was glad to get away from home. My siblings are fine, they grew a lot and they say they miss me too. I never thought that would come out of their mouths. Josh and I still keep in touch with all of our high school friends, and occasionally go out. Besides all of that nothing has changed, Josh and I and still madly in love, and there are no doubts. As for Helga, she lived with my dad up until she forgot to pay a speeding ticket, and was thrown in the slammer. I guess she’s out of my hair for a long, long while. I’m also proud to announce, that I’m pregnant again, but this is the last child we are having no more than four. I have come over my blindness about being a wife and mother. I realize now, I should have spent more time fanaticizing about making my own family. I wouldn't take it back, what I did at the Prom, and I have no regrets. I'm ready to continue with my future, with Josh and my four little babies’s walking by my side. I didn't believe in fairytales up until, I found myself living in one, when I married Josh. I never thought I could say this but, I lived Happily Ever After...

The author's comments:
This is a love story

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