Meeting Me, Meeting Him | Teen Ink

Meeting Me, Meeting Him

November 27, 2013
By Sydney.R.D BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
Sydney.R.D BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Once upon a time I dreamed I was a bird. And I tried to fly...

ThoughI did not know how...

Flying Lessons: Think of something you love to do. Feel your heart get lighter. Start to soar.

Dear Diary,

He talked to me today, actually started a conversation!!! With me! My stomach was filled with butterflies the entire time, forget the butterflies the whole freaking animal kingdom was stampeding on my appendix, and I could hardly say a word because I was so tongue tied. My heart was beating as fast as a hummingbird's wing. Luckily I got over the awe of him acknowledging me and returned witty comments to his stupid little questions. But its the little things that count, right?


I walk to school, with the books that I couldn't manage stuffing into the tan sack my dad calls a backpack. He said it was my great whatever granddads backpack and that its a tradition that the first born child gets the old, dead, or soon to be anyway, sack of crappy stitching and leather. I just hope it falls apart before the end of the year.
The 1st bell screams into my ear as I put my things away in the seven inches of space I have in my so called locker. I quickly grab my french books and turn on my heel expecting the halls to be deserted, except for the few druggies, but instead I crash into someone and drop all my books with papers flying everywhere. I say sorry before I see the face of my collider, its him, the not too popular but totally cute guy my heart has been longing for. His name pops into my mind, Adrian Reif. I stare into his spruce green eyes and get lost as he asks me a question, finally I snap back to reality and realize he asked if i was ok. I replied with the most common words I could think of “Ya, I'm fine.” He helps me with my books and says, “You new? I don’t recognize your face.” Which totally brings down my self esteem and makes me realize how antisocial and unnoticeable I really am. I say, “I’m jenny, Jenny Wescott.” He reaches for my hand as a friendly gesture, I take it and give a shake, he replies with “Adrian Reif.”

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 14 2014 at 5:38 pm
quelquefoisyeah BRONZE, Bassett, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You cannot save people; you can only love them." -Anais Nin

This is so cute! It made me feel fuzzy inside when I was reading it:) Danny is so adorable, stepping on her toes and then Jamie was brave and it was was perfect and cute and sweet! Love this story and couple:)