The Ups and Downs | Teen Ink

The Ups and Downs

December 15, 2013
By agold15 BRONZE, Natick, Massachusetts
agold15 BRONZE, Natick, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I smile at him, because when he cries, I know it makes him feel better.
Sometimes I think to myself..what makes him distant from me?
But if I try to question it, he shuts down and doesn’t speak.
I don’t understand why this happens but whenever it does he yells and cries that he hates me so I just leave it alone.
If I yell back, he leaves, or even worse he loses control of his temper.
That has only happened twice, I’ll admit I cried.
But when he controls himself and smiles back, I know why I stay around.

The author's comments:
The purpose of this exercise is for you to develop your skills of mixing dialogue with action. ; 'I was happy. My girlfriend was sad. I was curious. She became annoyed. I was confused. She became angry. I became angry. She became terrifying. I was scared. I am content now.'

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