Glass Half Full | Teen Ink

Glass Half Full

January 30, 2014
By Greta Haskell BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Greta Haskell BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I always felt like a piece of me was missing, until I met Jake. The minute I met him he filled me up like, I don't know, lets just say a glass of water. All my life I had been a glass half empty kind of girl. Now I was a half full girl, actually after Jake, I was totally full girl. I didn't have a care in the world. Nothing seemed to matter because he was all I had been looking for. He was the ice cold water to fill my glass.

Jake wasn't a boring, cold, tasteless drink like water. He was sweet and fun like a pina colada or a mimosa. I'm going to go with pina colada because they have pineapple right? Well pineapple is not my favorite but it is exotic and I think you can get them in Hawaii and thats a great connection because Jake is from Hawaii.

Anyways before I get too deep into rambling about Jake and how amazing he is, let me tell you about myself. My name is Chelsea. I'm sixteen years old and I reside in Venice Beach, California. Funny thing is, I’ve never been much of a beach girl and I'm definitely not a party girl. Venice Beach has a “pretty cool” party scene, by which I mean a bunch of underage kids going to the secret beach and drinking booze they stole from their parents and smoking pot they bought from their high school dropout dealers, but my parents are really strict. I don't have that many close friends because i'm the only one not allowed out past nine.

Jake is my best friend now and when I met him it was perfect timing. If I had been in Polly’s Candies and Fudge three minutes later I would have missed him and none of this would have happened. So how did I met Jake?

My family has a vacation house in Ocean City, New Jersey. I have no idea why because we live on the damn beach in California, but whatever. Anyways we’re up here for the summer and I usually hate it. There are a couple of girls who live near me on Sunset Lane but they aren't really my friends. They’re just overly-tan girls with fake blonde hair and belly button piercings. On July 10th they asked me to go to the beach with them. I agreed because my parents got mad when I turned them down on the fourth of July. So I packed up my stuff, put on my bathing suit and got excited for a super exciting day with the girls! Like I said earlier, I’m not much of a beach girl. I’d rather hang out on the boardwalk, so I told them I was going to get a salad. I know their skinny selves would scoff at the fact that I was actually craving some salt water taffies. Anyways I’m getting off track.

It was really hot that day so I tried to stick to the shade. Due to the lack of trees at the beach in New Jersey that wasn’t really possible. My “friends” would have called me out and said things like “Oh my god! Just take off your shirt you're so totally skinny!” but I don't like to stand out so I eliminated that option. After about ten minutes I decided that Pam’s Candy Stand, where I was actually going because they have the best taffies, was too far so I almost turned around. That could have been a big mistake on my part. Polly’s was right ahead however, so I decided to try it out even though I had never heard of it before.

When I got inside I was so relieved about the cool air conditioning, I wasn't even paying attention to the people looking at me. I walked over to where all the taffies were and slumped down against the wall. I kind of just closed my eyes and sat there for a little until someone came over to me and said “The mint is my favorite.” I opened my eyes slowly, expecting to see some creepy Jersey douche guy, who I was not interested in talking to at all. To my surprize there was a tall guy with deep tan skin and black hair. He was really cute, but definitely not someone I would ever think I would like. I’m usually more into the blonde-and-tan, with-blue-eyes kind of guy. He was wearing an old grey tee shirt, khaki shorts and black vans. I just stared. “Hey.” he said again.
“Oh, sorry hey. The mint is gross I don't know what you're saying.” I said. I realized I probably shouldn't be so rude to such a cute guy if I wanted him to like me. “I mean they're okay but definitely not my favorite.”
“What is than?” he sort of half smiled. Oh god, he was so cute.
“Umm cherry,” I said “red is always the best flavor.”
“A quarter pound of mint and a quarter pound of cherry, please.” He said to the lady over the counter who looked at him and slowly started bagging the candies.
“Hey, what if I wanted another flavor!”
“Sorry, what else do you want? My treat.”
“No thanks, I’ll buy my own.” He looked at me with a straight face. Sounding rude again Chelsea. “I mean thanks.” I managed to smile at him. “Why did you buy those for me?” I asked him when we got outside.
“I like to be nice to pretty girls.” he said, with a straight face again. I liked it about him already, he seemed serious about it.
“Well thanks, I appreciate it.” I smiled again and was about to leave when he started talking again.
“We don't usually have mint flavor in Hawaii. Thats why I like it so much.” he said quickly.
“You’re from Hawaii?” Now I was curious.
“Yeah I moved here when I was 12.” It was the first time I saw him smile and now he was even cuter. After that we walked together until we got back to my spot on the beach, but I didn't want to go with the girls, I wanted to stay with him. We had already clicked so well. The whole walk back I didn't even remember it was so hot out. He was like a cool glass of water. I told him to wait by the bathrooms and I would be right back.
“Hey guys sorry I’m feeling really sick I think I’m going to go home.” I said walking towards all the girls from Sunset Lane.
“OMG, are you okay?” one of them asked, Lindsey.
“Yeah I’m just hot I need some rest.” I lied. Oh well, it's not like my parents are going to find out. I left and met him again, he was leaning back against the railing waiting for me. “Wow, really shows how great of a friend I am.” I thought. But they aren't even my real friends. I couldn’t help but feel giddy that I had found a boy who thought I was pretty compared to all the Jersey hotties.

I’d never had a boyfriend before. But I’m getting way too far ahead of myself. This only happened like two days ago. Anyways, when we got back to my mini-mansion we went up to my room so no one would know we were home. He told me about Hawaii and how he had trouble making friends here so he doesn't have many and I told him I don’t have any either.
“Well you’re my friend.” He said with a smile smile.
“I was hoping you’d say that.” I winked back.

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