The Perfectionist, Not Realist | Teen Ink

The Perfectionist, Not Realist

February 20, 2014
By JenPie BRONZE, Manitowoc, Wisconsin
JenPie BRONZE, Manitowoc, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
whatever floats you boat

When Fiona was younger, her right parents spoiled her rotten. Anything she wanted, well, POOF, they appeared almost as if her parents were magic fairies or wizards. One thing she had from the very start was her crazy imagination.

Since day one, Fiona had a world of her own. She dreamed of the greenest grass, the bluest sky, the puffiest clouds and bubbles as transportation. Because of this magical world, anything that was less than perfect in reality, Fiona raged over. She couldn’t find any perfect friends, leaving her alone except the nanny who played with her from time to time.

Her lonely life style continued as she matured, except the one or two co-workers she went out for drinks with. She didn’t play pretend anymore, but every night she dreamed of that place that was so perfect.
When she was 26, she worked as a magazine editor but still expected everything to be perfect. Reality didn’t seem to hit her until she finally realized she was ready for love, but wouldn’t take a man that was less than perfect.

You’d think it would be easy for her since she is ideal for any man--appearance wise. Long honey blonde hair with large curls near the ends, bright blue eyes with a hint of green, high cheek bones, slim nose and the most full lips you have ever seen. Just by looking at her you could tell she was a material girl. Not to mention the fact that she wore nothing but the highest fashion.

One day at her office, she saw a tall muscular man; about 6’3 she thought, brown hair, brown eyes that in the light almost looked like a river with mud on the bottom on a sunny day. The most gorgeous man she had ever seen. He looked so perfect to her. There was one problem though, she knew she couldn’t have him because even a prime man like this has flaws.

That night she laid in her bed for hours thinking about this mystery man. She closed her eyes and she found herself in her dream world. All of a sudden, everything was perfect. She was floating with the clouds in those pink/metallic bubbles. Floating over the green grass, and the prettiest waterfall. She saw butterflies gliding through the air, and she heard blue birds chirping from the cherry blossom trees that stood tall next to the calm river; so clear you could see all the fish scurry about. She looked down at the tree, petals falling with the spring breeze. There was a part of the ground that was untouched by the light pink silky petals, and in that small portion, was the mystery man.

She was too far up for her to yell anything for him to hear, and she knew that. The breeze was blowing in the same direction the man was walking, so the bubbles followed the fresh air. Every inch she got closer to where he was, he had moved an inch further away. This did not discourage her though, it only excited her. Every second her heart raced faster and faster, until she couldn’t bare it anymore, so she started to sing.

She hoped that her high pitched voice would grasp his attention, but after five minutes her breath was lost. She gave up on that idea and her mind thought of another. She was going to pop the bubble, so she would fall causing her to bounce down from bubble to bubble until she hit the ground safely right in front of the mystery man.

This was her dream, but it felt like a reality to her--besides the unrealistic surroundings, she felt real emotions and she never felt that way in her dreams before. All of a sudden, the bubble sped up, almost crashing into the birds but avoiding them at last minute. It didn’t take long until she was just above him. The bubble started to lower, keeping it’s speed constant. She was right about his head when... POP! The bubble let go of her and placed her right in front of the man, face to face. They looked each other in the eyes and they were connected. She knew he was perfect for her, even though perfection didn’t exist.

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