Gorilla+Bunny=Friends Forever | Teen Ink

Gorilla+Bunny=Friends Forever

April 22, 2014
By Kemosabi-B BRONZE, Stone Mountain, Georgia
Kemosabi-B BRONZE, Stone Mountain, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
i meant what i said and i said what i meant, an elephants faithful 100 percent

Once upon a time there was a magical jungle in a far away land. All types of animals lived in this jungle, but the most amazing animals of all were the bunnies and the gorillas. There was one large gorilla named Gertrude and Gertrude was very good friends with all the bunnies… all the bunnies except one that is. Betsy the bunny was not very fond of Gertrude because Betsy’s friends talked too much to Gertrude instead of her. One day while Betsy’s friends were talking to Gertrude she thought to herself, “If my friends talk to him so much then maybe he’s not so bad a guy. I guess I should give him a chance and see what he’s like.” So the next day when her friends were talking to Gertrude, Betsy decided to join. Betsy and Gertrude hit it off and quickly became best of friends. They began talking and hanging out nonstop and were inseparable. In fact they were together so much that the other animals decided to just combine their names and make a couple name because they got tired of having to say both their names all the time, and so Betsy and Gertrude became known as Betrude.
One day while hanging out outside of school the forest got very quiet. Betsy and Gertrude could tell that something wasn’t right. Their eyes scrolled left and right frantically searching the forest floor for any signs of danger and before they had time to react a nasty band of jaguars’ leapt out and hiding and ambushed the two. Betsy had been snatched up by the band of jaguars and was being carried off. Gertrude was shocked and didn’t know what to but then I thought came to his mind. “Betsy is my best friend and I love her, I have to go after her.” And in that moment of bravery Gertrude let out mighty roar and set off in pursuit of his dear friend Betsy. Gertrude raced through the forest letting nothing stand in his way of the jaguars. With one final surge of speed he reached with a long outstretched arm, and latched on to the jaguar carrying Betsy, bringing him crashing down to the ground. The jaguar released Betsy and ran off into the jungle never to bother Gertrude and Betsy again. Betsy quickly hopped over to Gertrude and gave him as big a hug as her tiny little bunny arms could give and thanked him for saving her life.

From that point on Gertrude and Betsy never left each other’s side and the couple Betrude was never separated. Three years later on August 22nd, Betsy and Gertrude threw the biggest most fabulous jungle wedding ever witnessed by an animal in which everyone except the jaguars were invited. The couple lived happily ever after from that point on and the jungle lived on in harmony.

The author's comments:
My best friend inspired me to write this.

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